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这是一种自给自足的神经官能症。It is a neurosis which feeds upon itself.

因此,这是一个“自给自足”的厕所系统。Hence, the system will be self-sustainable.

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只有这样,执法才能在财政上自给自足。Then, enforcement could become self-financing.

一种为传统的自给自足的观点。One kind is the viewpoint of traditional autarky.

“这是北方的清算日,”马里克说,“他们必须弄清如何将北方变成一个可以自给自足的站的住脚的国家。”"This is the north's day of reckoning," says Malik.

没有电话或者市政管线进入,自给自足,与世隔绝。No phone or utility lines coming in. Self-contained.

我自给自足,温柔,有爱、重视家庭的人。I'm self sufficient, gentle, warm-loving, family man.

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道是自给自足,在没有天地之前祂就存在。Tao is self-supported and exists before the universe.

让他们有机会来自给自足,so they have that opportunity to grow their own food,

我想做一株小植物,自给自足。I want to a little plant, which is able to feed itself.

俄罗斯是一个自给自足并且爱好和平的国家。Russia a is a peace-loving and self-sufficient country.

在贵社的支持结束之后能自给自足。Will be self-supporting after your club's support ends.

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你是否处于无法自给自足的景况?Are you in a position where all self-sufficiency is gone?

绝大多数物品是手工制造的,经济一般为自给自足型。Most goods are handmade and subsistence economy prevails.

早在上世纪九十年代中期,香港电影产业尚可在本土自给自足。In the mid-90s, the Hong Kong film industry ate itself alive.

在谈及自给自足,满足自我的产生模式时,朱玛博士提到了马拉维和中国。For models of self-sufficiency, Juma points to Malawi and China.

如果没有余粮可用,农民就不能自给自足。If no surplus is available, a farmer cannot be self- sufficient.

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因为他们习惯自给自足,平房轧死人的状况也不会象大都市那么惨烈。The situation of death won't be as severe as that of metropolis.

大庆油田使中国40多年保持石油自给自足。For 40 years the Da Qing oil field has kept China self sufficient.

这个村靠着自给自足安度几世纪的动乱。Through self-sufficiency the village survives centuries of turmoil.