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你为什么脱口说出那个意见?Why did you fling out that remark?

有一天珂赛特脱口叫了他一声“父亲”。One day Cosette chanced to say "father" to him.

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然后,鲍帝勒住他的马,脱口大叫。Then Baldy pulled his horse to a stop and shouted.

那喜剧演员的脱口妙语被引述在报纸上。The comedian's ad-libs were quoted in the newspaper.

我握住母亲的手,脱口说出了我是多么后悔那天夜里自己所说的话。Catching Mom's hand in hand, I blurted out how sorry I was for that night.

虽然我是百分百的欧洲人,能脱口唱出对栓剂的赞歌,但我对灌肠就是有恐惧感。I fear the enema, though I am European enough to sing the praises of suppositories.

由于接二连三地愚蠢地脱口说出了惠特福德的名字,克莱拉恨不得把她的舌头咬下来。Clara could have bitten her tongue for that reiterated stupid slip on the name of Whitford.

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可是说完之后,又对先前脱口说出的话懊恼不已。But after finishing saying, again to displeased the words that blurt in times before not already.

豆豆又惊又喜,一声”童大哥”正要脱口叫出,却被童博冰冷的目光生生逼了回去。Doug is surprised and almost calls him Po yet this call is forced back by the ice-cold eyes of Po.

一些人信誓旦旦地说,他们在录音的结尾就听到女人脱口说出“柿子”这个词。Some people have sworn that they can hear “tomatoes,” for example, blurted out toward the end of the track.

在康州有些中学,你要是嘴巴不干不净,一句粗话脱口闹不好就要你赔上一百美刀。If you don't keep it clean in some Connecticut high schools, you could wind up shelling out a Benjamin, for a sassy slip-up.

他思索了超过三个小时后终于按奈不住,脱口问道,“你怎么能背那个女人呢?!”After thinking about this for more than three hours, the second monk could contain himself no longer, and he blurts out, "How could you pick up that woman back there?!

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在拍摄龙虎少年队电视剧的那几年,每每从洛杉矶飞到温哥华的航程上,戴普都深深觉得如果他不脱口说出某些惊世骇俗的话语,那麽未知的可怕事件就会紧接著发生。Flying from L. A. to Vancouver during his 21 Jump Street years he got an overwhelming feeling that if he didn't blurt out something shocking, horrible things would ensue.

今天,我女儿的学习重点是背诵阅读和写作材料。因为第一课的那十个句子对我妇儿来说太简单了。她可以不假思索,脱口说出它们来。The main point of my daughter's learning today is to recite the reading and writing material. Because the ten sentences in lesson is very easy for her. She can blurt out them without thinking.

事后特殊问红果的企划设想时,两个人说到都没谈过恋爱,于是红果脱口说那我们一同谈恋爱吧,却被特殊巧妙的避过去了。Afterwards the planning idea special asked red fruits, two men said to all didn't talk over in love, and red fruits tuokoushuo that we fall in love with it, but be special clever avoid the past.

使人感觉啼笑皆非的是,这个政策自学生脱口而岀自已“涉事嫌疑散心可怖讯息,触动了害处共同平安罪”。Your person feels those who be between tears and smiles is, this law blurts out him from examinee " be suspected of information of horror taking a walk, offended endanger communal and safe blame ".