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但献身精神是必不可少的。But dedication is a must.

蔗糖是日常饮食中必不可少的。Sucrose is essentially table sugar.

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断头台是狂欢节必不可少的一部分。The scaffold forms part of the fte.

在两周情况下,现政权的存在都是必不可少的。The state is essential in either case.

什么区位因素是必不可少的?What locational factors are essential?

这是必不可少的嚣张气焰。This is the essential of the arrogance.

这五项通常来说是必不可少的。Usally, these five items are essential.

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游泳衣当然是必不可少。Bathing suit of course is indispensable.

失望是人生必不可少的一部分。Disappoinment is a natural part of life.

为了培植那些鲜花,关爱和照顾是必不可少的。To foster those flowers, caring is a need.

制鞋是一种有用的、必不可少的行业。Shoemaking is a useful and necessary trade.

一整套儿各种大小的炖锅必不可少。Saucepans in a range of sizes are essential.

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夏天擦防晒乳是必不可少的。Wearing sunblock is essential during summer.

对教师来说,口齿清楚是必不可少的。Articulate speech is essential for a teacher.

失败是迈向成功之路所必不可少的。Failure is an essential step towards success.

伸展是必不可少的健康因素。Stretching is an essential element of health.

锻练是减肥的必不可少的一部分。Exercise is an integral part of losing weight.

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和自由女神合影是必不可少的,哪怕是背影呢。Yeye posed with the back the Statue of Liberty.

双季稻作生产灌溉必不可少。Irrigation is essential in double ri ce systems.

在球场上行走时对比赛时必不可少的?that walking the course is essential to the game?