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你在想我是坎特伯雷市的修道院长。This is the chamber of the abbot.

修女们住在一个幽静的修道院里。The nuns live in a cloister of calm.

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修道主义真正崛起了。You have the real rise of monasticism.

你在想我是坎特伯雷市的修道院长。You think that I am the Abbot of Canterbury.

现在他们被关在重兵把守的修道院里。They are now confined to heavily guarded monasteries.

啊!说是讲修行,在这儿讲修道。The cultivator was talking to his women about cultivation.

我等学佛修道之人敢不慎乎?!I and other Buddhist religious people dare to even inadvertently?!

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修道形式存在很久以前耶稣基督诞生的。Forms of monasticism existed long before the birth of Jesus Christ.

洞察秋毫是每一个修道者的终极目标。The insight into very minute is each ultimate end target that fix a.

阿萨姆的画现在就挂在德国巴伐利亚州威尔腾堡修道院内。Asam's painting currently hangs in Weltenburg Abbey in Bavaria, Germany.

没有学问是指彼得和约翰并没有在祭司的培训学校正式修道。Unschooled meant they had not gone to Training School to become a Priest.

在过去的历史修道一词有两种截然不同的技术含义。In the history of monasticism the word has two distinct technical meanings.

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天启王朝的隐士和修道者们热衷于研习长寿的秘密。The mystics and hermits of T'ien Ch'i have always benn obsessed with longevity.

修道者的独身观念含有禁欲与宗教热情之意。The concept of celibacy carries connotations of asceticism and religious fervor.

修道者的独身观念含有禁欲兴宗教热情之意。The concept of celibacy carries connotations of asceticism and religious fervor.

事实上,此期修道女性中风流人物只占少数。In fact, dissolute female Taoists are few in Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties.

这两种修道形式,在三世纪开始发展。You have both these forms of monasticism starting to developin the third century.

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她的修道会建立于1843年,旨在促进犹太教向基督教的转换。Her order was founded, in 1843, to promote the conversion of Jews to Christianity.

有人说你的是非,找你麻烦,也是帮助你修道。If somebody gossips about you or gives you trouble, he's also helping you cultivate.

修道就是先改变自己,而且不要先入为主。To cultivate Dao you need to change yourself first and not to make any prejudgments.