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实际上,两个牌子的旅行箱我都有。I actually have both.

但我们是英国牌子,But we're all British.

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哦,这是一个老牌子。Oh, so it's an older make.

我们在第一张牌子里见到过它。We just saw it in the first slide.

所以这个牌子是我很喜欢品牌之一。So that's one of my favorite brands.

你们这儿有哪几种牌子的白兰地?What kind of brandy do you serve here?

他过去一直吸“骆驼”牌香烟,后来他换成了其他牌子。He used to smoke Camel,but he switched.

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所以其它非英国的牌子,我没法与其比较,So out of British brands, I don't know,

路边的牌子上写着“禁止停车”。The sign by the road said "No Parking".

你以前用过玉兰油这牌子的产品吗?Have you ever used Olay products before?

我不理会牌子,开始趟水。I ignored the sign and started to cross.

是的,你看那儿有一个“禁止停车”的牌子。Yes, you see, there is a "NO Parking" sign.

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这辆车没有油漆,没有保险杠,也没有牌子。It had no paintwork, no bumpers and no name.

当然可以。这是诺基亚新款N97。最新款的牌子。Sure. it's the NOKIA N97. A brand-new model.

明天的兑换牌价在那边的牌子上。The rates of exchange are on the board there.

那种牌子的汽车上涂有许多铬黄。There is a lot of chrome on cars of that model.

往前走两个街区.你会看见那边的牌子的.Two blocks ahead and you`ll see the sign there.

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你的润滑油少了一夸特。要加哪一种牌子的?。You're one quart low. What kInd shall I put In?

刚才我坐在那儿,因为没看到牌子。I sat there a moment ago. I didn't see the sign.

这块牌子装饰着室女宫的标记。This plaque is decorated with the sign of Virgo.