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你是在打如意算盘。You are counting without your host.

母亲说”我的孩子,不要过早地去打如意算盘。The girl went back without anything. She felt very sad. "Ah, my child , "said her mother.

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这种满足,或者至少是如意算盘,是对项目成功的潜在的危害。This complacency, or at least wishful thinking, is potentially damaging to project success.

如果找到一种可以打破这个捆束的药物,我们就可以破坏寄生虫的如意算盘咯。Find a drug that breaks that bundle packet, and we could destroy these parasites’ devious plans.

如果找到一种可以打破这个捆束的药物,我们就可以破坏寄生虫的如意算盘咯。Find a drug that breaks that bundle packet, and we could destroy these parasites’ devious plans.

林先生昨夜想好的如意算盘立刻被斜对门那些红绿纸条冲一个摇摇不定。Mr. Lin's perfect plan of the night before was completely snowed under by those red and green streamers of his competitors.

除非他们采用别的方法,否则,已造成土地交易现状的如意算盘将会和一起质疑纠缠不清。Until they show otherwise, a dose of scepticism should be mixed with the premature hopes that the land deals have engendered.

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北约的如意算盘是部分通过减少他和其他暴发户军阀的一些价值不菲的合同,从而让他出局。NATO's best hope is therefore to sideline him, partly by starving him, and other parvenu warlords, of some of their fat contracts.

成亚坤的如意算盘似乎打的太好了,他好像忘了还有个叫韩冷烟的人了。Cheng Yakun seems to reckon without one's host played very well, he seems to have forgotten that there is a person called Han Lengyan.

韩伟松的如意算盘落了空,他发出的声响被巡逻的大爷听到,随后几个同志一拥而上,捉住了他。Han Weisong the wishful thinking of the empty, and he was patrolling the big ye hear the sound of, then set a few comrades, caught him.

这个人很富有,他不必辛苦工作,可以有很多时间为他们祈祷,村民们心里打着这样的如意算盘。This man was very wealthy. He didn't have to work very hard, so he could afford the time to pray for the people. That's what they thought.

这个如意算盘在1919年看起来像那么回事,当时毕苏茨基拒绝了对南方战线上屡战屡败的邓尼金军队的支持。This idea seemed especially reasonable in 1919, when Pilsudski refused to support Denikin's army, which was defeated in battle after battle on the Southern front.

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金融危机让众多零售商在这个假日季感受到的是一场灾难,他们原本通常要靠圣诞节选购礼物的热潮让自己扭亏为盈,但今年的如意算盘只能落空。The crisis has brought a disastrous holiday season for many retailers, who depend on the frenzy to buy Christmas presents to push them into the black for the year.

要是工程师的如意算盘是等待钙华自然沉积,也许一世纪就能达成目标了,到时候农人的子孙就能将另一块土地纳入原有的灌溉系统中。If the builders allowed for normal travertine accretion, that goal might be reached in a century, at which time the farmers' descendants could add another irrigated field to the system.