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极通人性的“星期五”哪肯束手就擒!A human ", "which will tranquilliser Friday!

他们如此总结,我们束手就擒。We're not doing well at all, they concluded.

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正事母至孝,不敢违抗,束手就擒。Mu Zhixiao of one's proper business, not dare defy, be seized without fighting.

他们非常具攻击性,假如瓦伦西亚袖手旁观的话他们将会束手就擒。They are very offensive and Valencia will be there for the taking if they sit back.

尤其对于女性,消极抵抗也许比束手就擒更好。For females in particular, a negative response may be better than no response at all.

可以肯定的是,大型银行绝不会束手就擒,毫不抗争地接受新的监管规定。Make no mistake, big banks will not be submitting to new regulations without a fight.

最后这名男子停下他的小卡车,坐在一个院子里束手就擒。He ended up sitting on a patio chair after stopping his minivan and surrendered as police arrested him.

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但我相信荷兰队不会束手就擒,因为他们不会希望给人们留下不好的印象。But I don't believe Holland will arrange to lose on purpose because no-one wants to make a bad impression».

但是利物浦是不会束手就擒的。But Liverpool cannot afford to lose and Benítez has just described the game as the key to the rest of the season.

当海盗湾正面临着它有史以来最大的挑战时,它的管理员并不打算束手就擒。With the Pirate Bay facing its strongest challenge yet, its administrators have not stopped rattling their cutlasses.

面对惨烈的价格战,企业家不选择鱼死网破就得束手就擒吗?In face of the brutal price war, can entrepreneurs only choose desperate fighting or being captured without resistance?

中国的安全部队“连呼带叫”地冲了过来,他们俩人放弃了抵抗,束手就擒。The Chinese security forces descended on them, “whooping and hollering, ” and they gave themselves up to the inevitable.

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你见过树,却未见过森林,只是你没有理解和平的意义而已,乖乖束手就擒吧!Have you seen the tree, has not seen the forest, but you do not understand the meaning of peace only, obediently without a fight it!

一会儿,传来了一阵脚步声,一群持枪的猎人蜂拥而入,因洞内所有的出口全被堵住,狼束手就擒。Later, there was a sound, a group of gunmen hunter piled into the hole, because all export all is blocked, and the Wolf tranquilliser.

若说像肖先生这样地位的人会雇佣一帮白痴锤击方先生然后再主动回去束手就擒,这实在是太不合常理了。It makes no sense for a man of Dr Xiao's stature to hire some fools to punch Mr Fang and then return to China sometime later to be arrested.

工人们踢牛并用水枪设计它们的脸,他们还用电击和叉车强迫动物束手就擒。The workers kicked them and shot water at their faces. They also used electric shocks and forklift trucks to force the animals to their feet.

但是哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗,阿布也没有束手就擒,蓝军通过国际体育仲裁法庭让引援禁令暂时失效,待此次事件的最后调查报告出炉后再另做判决。However the Blues have successfully lobbied CAS that their ban should be suspended until their full appeal against Fifa's decision is heard by the Swiss-based court.

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我们高枕而卧、苟安侥幸,等到敌人使我们束手就擒时,我们就能找到有效的御敌办法?Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot ?

当地消防部门的发言人马丁阿尔根多夫于4月24日表示,3个多小时后人们终于使用带有镇静剂的飞镖令乌斯奇束手就擒,而其腹中尚未出生的小牛在此过程中则毫发无损。After more than three hours on the loose, Uschi was brought down by tranquilliser darts, without harming her unborn calf, fire services spokesman Martin Argendorf said on Tuesday.