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起初她婉言拒绝。At first she declined.

他婉言拒绝了。He declined with thanks.

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那些人婉言拒绝了。The men politely decline.

他婉言拒绝再服兵役。He politely refused to re-up.

我邀请她加入我们,可是她婉言拒绝了。I invited her to join us, but she declined.

当他邀请我跳舞时,我婉言拒绝了。When he asked me to dance, I declined politely.

他们要给他一些钱,他婉言拒绝了。They offered him some money, which he refused politely.

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这颂扬声里婉言低语某些贬抑的主题东西。The subject of this eulogy murmured something deprecatory.

“我们不能把希望寄托在战争结束上”娜塔丽婉言辨驳说。We can't count on the War ending, " Natalie expostulated."

证人婉言拒绝回答向他提出的一些问题。The witness declined to answer certain questions put to him.

我婉言拒绝了,因为我依旧想看比赛。I refused politely because I still wanted to watch the match.

虽然这个官位很高,但他还是婉言拒绝了。Although it was a very high position, he graciously refused it.

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但是,他婉言拒绝了我的好意并且对我说,他们习惯分享每一样东西。Bet he kindly refused me and said that they made it a habit to share everything.

佩恩婉言拒绝透露更多的细节,因为这一搜查令仍处于保密状态。Payne declined to give details because the Texas search warrant remained sealed.

罗斯福婉言拒绝了胡佛要他签署一个关闭所有美国银行的联合声明的请求。Roosevelt declined Hoover’s request to sign a joint proclamation closing all U.S. banks.

事发后,刘老师承认,自己有选择地向10多名家长发了借钱短信,但大多数家长都婉言回绝了他。Liu admitted he selected more than 10 parents to borrow money but most of them rejected him.

他们留我吃晚饭,但想着足球比赛我婉言拒绝了。They also invited me to stay for supper. But thinking of the football match, I refused them politely.

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医生劝我回家,安排后事,这是医生让病人等死的婉言。My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor's code for prepare to die.

以我个人的意见,成功的沟通不应是争执,而是协商与婉言。In my personal opinion, a successful communication should not be argument but be negotiation and euphemism.

但是彩虹婉言拒绝了他,小吴解释自己在这里帮不上什么忙,就想找点事做。But the rainbow refused him, Xiao Wu explain yourself here can not help what busy, just want to find something to do.