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又催生了什么?What does that produce?

在19世纪,那催生了这个港口。That midwifed the port in the19th century.

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懒惰是催生消沉和自怜自哀的土壤。Idless is the sail of self-pity and depression.

这就催生了一系列的论证And that's what prompts the series of arguments.

火锅的复古风催生了老灶火锅。The classic dishes birth of the old kitchen pot.

参见“气候变化催生超级龙虾?”See "Lobsters to Be Supersized by Climate Change?"

这一需求催生出了新规则和新文档。From this need came new rules and new documentation.

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他说学生的兴趣催生了这些新课程。He says student interest is driving these new programs.

日渐提高的收入还催生了对于高档品牌的消费欲望。With rising incomes comes a desire for flashier brands.

但这本身会催生中产阶级政治化。But that in itself may help politicise the middle class.

孕妇吃蓖麻籽可催生。The castor bean can also induce labor in pregnant women.

城市文化是催生文学新样式的肥沃土壤。City culture is the rich soil for hastening new writings.

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什么催生了政体,并使其延续下去?What brings them into being ? and sustains them over time?

今天,萨勒姆曾经不光彩的女巫审判却催生了本地的旅游业。Today, the Salem witch trials drive the town’s tourist trade.

这些胜利也催生了唯科学主义的观点。These victories has also produced the viewpoints of Scientism.

但是本周的动乱也催生了其它词汇的新鲜的用法。But this week's unrest has thrown up other linguistic novelties.

此著催生所谓日常语言哲学。This book helped to inspire so-called ordinary language philosophy.

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“可以说,是亚特兰蒂斯号催生了奋进号航天飞机的诞生,”派尔曼说。"The shuttle Endeavour exists because of Atlantis, " Pearlman said.

毫无疑问,美国快速蔓延的危机催生了快速的反应。Undoubtedly America´s fast-moving crisis has bred a quicker response.

但一些商家已经将催生素作为医疗羞怯手段。But some entrepreneurs are already touting oxytocin as a shyness cure.