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接着,科学家用刷子在真手和假手上轻轻掠过。The scientists then gently brushed the real and fake hands.

提出了一种带触觉反馈的肌电假手模糊控制方法。This paper introduces a fuzzy control method for myoelectric prosthesis with tactile sense.

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智能假手是机器人学和生物医学工程领域的一个前沿性研究课题。The intelligent hand is a leading edge subject for research of robotics and biomedical engineering field.

利用安装在假手手指前端的触、滑觉传感器,来对握物状态进行实时识别。Using the touch and slip sensors in the front of finger, the artificial hand can identify the state of grasped object at any moment.

实验结果表明,该分类器为多自由度肌电假手的控制提供了一种有效的方法。Furthermore, the experimental results show that the classifier presents a new method for the EMG control of the multi-DOF prosthetic hand.

触滑觉组合传感器采用PVDF作为敏感材料,柔顺的传感器表面和小巧的尺寸使之能完全应用于仿生假手的手指上。The tactile sensor applying PVDF as a sensitive material, has a complaisance surface and a minimal size, very suitable for the bionic hand.

传感器采用PVDF作为敏感材料,柔顺的传感器表面和小巧的尺寸使之能完全应用于仿生假手的手指上。Applying PVDF as a sensitive material, the developed sensor has a complaisance surface and a minimal size, very suitable for the bionical hand.

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争取改变——或假手他人去改变——那些不再能清晰界定你是谁的事物。August 14 Seek to change those things—or support others who are changing those things—which no longer reflect your highest sense of Who You are.

这种触滑觉传感器体积小、重量轻、灵敏度及可靠性高,便于安装在假手手指上。This kind of touch and slip sensor is small, light weight, sensitivity and high reliability, easy to be installed in the finger of artificial hand.

多自由度智能假手是利用生物电作为控制信号的动力假肢,是一种用生物电作为控制信号的典型的“人一机”系统。Multi-degree intelligent artificial hand is a type of dynamic artificial hand and the model "man-machine system", which is controlled by biological electricity.

采用特别设计的模糊控制器控制假手动作的步进量,实现了肌电假手对多种不同物体的稳定抓取。A fuzzy controller is designed specially to control movement steps of the myoelectric prosthetic hand and make the myoelectric prosthetic hand grasp object stably.

人权会存在的最突出的问题就是假手人权搞政治对抗,而且愈演愈烈。The biggest problem that troubles the Commission is the practice of pursuing political confrontation in the name of human rights, and this practice is growing rampant.

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我记得很清楚,下一个场景,下一个场景里卢克-,给自己装了假手,所有人都没再提起这事了。The very next scene, it always remains me, the very next scene Luke's got-- an artificial hand has been attached to his body and the neighbour never mentioned it again.

传统肌电假手采用开环控制,最大弊病是缺少感觉功能,始终以恒力、恒速来进行物体抓取。Traditional artificial hand adopts open-loop control . The greatest disadvantage is lack feedback of feel, so grasps the object with the constant speed and force all the time.

上述研究,是开发智能假手的基础研究,为研制具有力感的假手的握力电刺激反馈信号发生器提供设计依据。The above mentioned results may provide the basis for the design of an electrical stimulus information generator for a myoelectrically controlled force sensory feedback artifrcial hand.

由于智能假手比普通假手具有更好的仿生性和适应性,由肌电假手向智能肌电假手的研究发展也是假手发展的必然趋势。The intelligent hand shows better bio- imitability and adaptability than the conventional hand, it is a necessary trend of research development from EMG controlled hand to the intelligent hand.

学徒训练工作坊,几年之后,请把假手袋,路易威登,具有优良的技能来做这个箱子拿破仑三世、名牌手袋、皇后,并收到了女王的信任。Apprenticeship workshop a few years after the trunk, fake handbags, Louis Vuitton, with excellent skills to do the trunk of Napoleon III, designer handbags, Queen, and received the Queen's trust.