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汤姆备有锦囊妙计胸有成竹。Tom had an ace up his sleeve.

下一个锦囊妙计将会改变历史。The next bright idea could change history.

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奥姆斯特德还有其它的锦囊妙计。Olmsted had several other tricks up his sleeve.

译文一、除非你有锦囊妙计,否则我们就输定了。Unless you've an ace up your sleeve , we're dished.

除非你有锦囊妙计,否则我们是输定了。Unless you've had ace up your sleeve, we are dished.

除非你有锦囊妙计,否则我们是输定了。Unless you have an ace up your sleeve, we are dished.

除非你有锦囊妙计,否则,我们是输定了。Unless you've got an ace up your sleeve, we are dished.

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英国的一组研究人员认为他们自有锦囊妙计。And a group of researchers in Britain think they have found one.

努力让自己上路,我的锦囊妙计是50分钟法则。To get myself to actually do, my favorite trick is the 50 minutes rule.

比尔总有锦囊妙计,所以任何时候遇到难题,他总能找到窍门解决。Bill usually has bad ideas , so he can search his way to problems at any time.

亲爱的读者,您是否也有对付信息过载的锦囊妙计呢?Do you have any tricks or tips that you use to help reduce information overload?

洋基认为这是个锦囊妙计,不过让我来告诉你为什麽那是个馊主意。The Yankees think this is a good idea, but let me tell you why it is a bad idea.

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这个博客为您提供了多条锦囊妙计,让您能在日常生活中腾出时间,记住这些吧。With this in mind, this blog provides you with ten tips to free up time in your daily life.

首先,我们用来对付始新世温室的气候模型的任何锦囊妙计都只能带来全球变暖的可怕预测。For a start, any tweaks we make to our climate models to account for it will produce scarier predictions of warming.

无论你是为钱所困还是为情所扰,我们都可以给你的个人预算提几条锦囊妙计。Whether you're strapped for cash or feeling comfortable, we could all stand to make a few tweaks to our personal budgets.

象往常一样,你们当中如果有人对赢得这场战争的胜利有什么锦囊妙计的话,可以直接给温斯顿·丘吉尔先生去信。As usual, those of you who can think of better ways to win the war are invited to write directly to Mr. Winston Churchill.

我认为这次的谈判不会成功,但我的老板却有着另一个我们都不为所知的锦囊妙计。I thought that the negotiations would be unsuccessful but my boss had another card up his sleeve that we didn't know about.

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当布兰克先生宣布不支持塔布斯先生竞选时,无人知道他自有锦囊妙计。No one knew that Mr. Blank had a card up in his sleeve when he declared that he could not support Mr. Tubbs at the election.

它是位于伦敦国王大道的一个商店,为理家提供锦囊妙计。Walter is the owner of the Holding Company, a shop on London's Kings Road which sells hundreds of storage ideas for the home.

当布兰克先生宣布不支持塔不斯先生竞选时,无人知道他自有锦囊妙计。No one knew that Mr. Black had a card up his sleeve when he declared that he could he could not support Mr. Tubbs at the election.