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他声言忠于自己的国家。He affirmed his loyalty to his country.

朱丽叶轻蔑地把头一仰,声言她绝不会嫁给他。Juliet tossed her head, and said she would never marry him.

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蒋军参谋总长陈诚声言战争不久即可结束。Chen Cheng, army chief of staff, declared the war would soon be over.

苏格拉底自信且大胆地,向其听众们如此声言,或说“观众。Socrates confidently defiantly asserts " to his listeners to his audience.

确实,她只为那声言寻找证据,如果没有,她也会承认。Indeed, she seeks evidence for the claim and acknowledges it when she finds none.

毅昕当众把合约撕毁,且声言结束与信佳的合作。YiXin tore up the contract in public, and that ended the cooperation with letters.

一个骑机车的警察汤玛斯?柯斯格洛夫,声言他曾在情人径的入口处附近看见夏勒特。Thomas S. Cosgrove, declared he had seen Sharrett near the entrance to Lover's Lane.

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他声言支持娼妓合法化,定会遭人抨击。He went out on a limb when he declared his support for the legalization of prostitution.

这些超级发掘者发布了一封公开信,抱怨此事并声言要杯葛网站。The super Diggers published an open letter of grievances and threatened to boycott the site.

博弈论者将此描述为一种“空谈”博弈,因为任何人都可以在网上随便声言任何事情。Game theorists describe this as a “cheap talk” game because anyone can claim anything online.

社会保险的攻击者们声言他们关心的是该机制的资金前景。Social Security’s attackers claim that they’re concerned about the program’s financial future.

一个骑机车的警察汤玛斯?柯斯格洛夫,声言他曾在情人径的入口处附近看见夏勒特。A motorcycle cop, Thomas S. Cosgrove, declared he had seen Sharrett near the entrance to Lover's Lane.

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小嘉突然带着一名老人闯进社团基地,并声言与家强争夺坐馆之位。Small jia base with an old man suddenly broke into community, and that with strong home for sit museum.

八月以来,棒棒们停滞了宁边核设施的拆除计划并声言要恢复已经弄掉的核武设施。In August it stopped disabling its main nuclear facility at Yongbyon and even threatens to undo the dismantling.

该组织发言人极尽夸张之能事,声言若如此,后院烧烤和厨房里的炉子也该被征税。Speakers for the group claimed, with exaggeration, that even back-yard barbecues and kitchen stoves would be taxed.

洛勇为此闹了脾气,她说铁峰看不起她们,声言离队去单干,这样打打杀杀也图个痛快。Luo yong to make the temper, she look down on them, says iron peak that leave to go it alone, so killing also figure.

我与一大伙人在竞选台上,一致声言反对[政府]习以为常的赤字开支。And I was among a great chorus out on the hustings speaking out against this consistent and constant deficit spending.

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更声言把众人护送到福建后,便会与绣云找个地方,过着相依为命的生活。The more that they escorted to fujian, will then with embroider the cloud find a place, depending on each others life.

不料,秦娅突然出现,她把枪对准林哲明,并声言自己是毒王的人。Unexpectedly, qin Ya appears suddenly, she aims the gun Lin Zheming, and the person that him avouch is poisonous king.

中国已经声言,钓鱼岛的主权不容谈判,但是我们为什么见不到一个中国人在岛上?China has made it clear that the sovereignty of Diaoyudao is non-negotiable. But why can't we see any Chinese on this island?