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弟兄们,如果世界恼恨你们,不必惊奇。Wonder not, brethren, if the world hate you.

我们喜欢或恼恨对方,也是反射作用。It is also reflection that we like or hate a person.

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不要恼恨你的敌人,否则你将做出舛错的判决。Don't hhadvertising your enemy. or you will make wrong judgment.

但霍布斯把这些人的品质,也就是柏拉图说的恼恨二字。Hobbes regards these passions, what Plato called by the word thumos.

你是否喜欢酒后驾车兜风但是恼恨在班房里过夜?Do you love drunk driving but hate spending the night in the slammer?

亚述是我怒气的棍,手中拿我恼恨的杖。Woe to the Assyrian, the rod of my anger, in whose hand is the club of my wrath!

亚述是我怒气的棍,手中拿我恼恨的仗。O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation.

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求你将你的恼恨,倒在他们身上,叫你的烈怒追上他们。Pour out thine indignation upon them, and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them.

罗杰很恼火,不过后来他接受了自己是瘾君子这个事实,也不再恼恨我了。Roger was angry, though he got over it later when he came to terms with his addiction.

与众寡合的,独自寻求心愿,并恼恨一切真智慧。Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom.

不肯随大流,这可能让某些人恼恨不已,但正确的言行肯定会为你赢得尊重。Some people may not like it when you go against the group but doing the right thing is rewarding.

一切苦毒、恼恨、忿怒、嚷闹、毁谤、并一切的恶毒,都当从你们中间除掉。Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling, and slander, along with every form of malice.

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谁说自己在光中,而恼恨自己的弟兄,他至今仍是在黑暗中。He who says that he is in the light, and has hate in his heart for his brother, is still in the dark.

他使猛烈的怒气,和忿怒,恼恨,苦难,成了一群降灾的使者,临到他们。He unleashed against them his hot anger, his wrath, indignation and hostility- a band of destroying angels.

人子阿,你要对这地说,你是未得洁净之地,在恼恨的日子也没有雨下在你以上。Son of man, say unto her, Thou art the land that is not cleansed, nor rained upon in the day of indignation.

惟有结党不顺从真理,反顺从不义的,就以忿怒恼恨报应他们。But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath

他使猛烈的怒气,和忿怒,恼恨,苦难,成了一群降灾的使者,临到他们。He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them.

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他们从远方来,从天边来,就是耶和华并他恼恨的兵器,要毁灭这全地。They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the LORD, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land.

叁巴拉听见我们修造城墙就发怒,大大恼恨,嗤笑犹大人。But it came to pass, that when Sanballat heard that we builded the wall, he was wroth, and took great indignation, and mocked the Jews.

但是,当这个工作通向的目标和学生真正的兴趣不相符时,他们就会出现对工作的恼恨。But when the hard work is motivated by a goal that’s misaligned with their real interests, students can develop resentment toward the work.