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交警试图填补这一空白。Traffic police have been trying to fill that void.

让交警带上黑棉手套。Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

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截至上午7时,上海市交警部门已接到500余起事故报告。As of 7 A. M. , around 500 accidents had been reported.

交警正在处理那辆车胎没气的汽车。The car with a flat tire is being handled by traffic police.

交警给我开了罚款额很大的罚单,并给我的驾照扣了两分。The policeman gave me a heavy fine and two points on my license.

气阀机构就相当于一个交警,指挥空气和燃料在合适的时间进出引擎。It lets air and fuel in and out of the engine at the proper time.

最棒的汽车安全设备就是里面始终会有个交警的后视镜。The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it.

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建议有关部门为交警配发吐痰纸袋。Recommendations for the traffic police authorities allotted spit bag.

那些符合这个方案将获专函通知交警。Those eligible for this scheme will be notified by the Traffic Police.

交警九哥有个习惯,只在马路中央疾走。Make the police nine brother has a habit, just in the middle of the road.

集团常年与市公安交警部门合作设立汽车驾驶培训中心。The Group company has joined hands with municipal traffic police sectors.

严禁酒后驾车。班加罗尔交警部门重要公告。Don't drink and drive. Issued in public interest by Bangalore Traffic Police.

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他为自己进行辩护,说交警们只是碰巧在那里。He defended himself, saying the cops just happened to be in the neighborhood.

法院把被告送交警答辩状的时间延长了14天。The court extended the defendant's time for serving his defense by fourteen days.

大约一万名志愿者将被招募,以协助交警和相关执法者开展此次行动。Around 10, 000 volunteers will be recruited to assist traffic police and regulators.

如果你把车停在这里,交警会罚款的。这里是“禁止停车区”。If you park your car here, the traffic policemen will fine you. Here is No Parking area.

摄像头捕捉到的视频随后被传到深圳市交警局的网站上。The videos it captured were then posted to the Shenzhen Traffic Police Bureau's website.

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交警和公路巡警在路上巡逻维持秩序。Traffic police and highway patrolmen patrol all roads to see if the traffic is in order.

一开始,因为罗伯特·惠特利没系安全带,一名交警将他的车拦下准备开罚单。A traffic policeman tried to issue Robert Whatley with a fine for not wearing a seat belt.

单就在北京,酒驾新政实施以来已派出7000名交警把守1400个检查点。In Beijing alone, 7, 000 officers have manned 1, 400 checkpoints since the crackdown began.