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你漏看了一个小数点。You missed a decimal point read.

小数点显然放错位置了。Obviously a misplaced decimal point.

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有人移动十进制的小数点!Someday changed the position of the decimal point!

怪圈中心近处的那个小圆圈,就是小数点。The little dot near the centre is the decimal point.

也就是小数点后还有数字。Something with a decimal point and numbers thereafter.

所有小数点后面的数值都被砍掉了。Everything from the decimal point over gets chopped off.

它也不在2号房间,因为小数点后第二个数字与二号房的第二个数字不一样。It’s also not in Room 2, since its second digit disagrees.

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不同之处在于,这里的数字掩码允许小数点。The difference is that the number mask allows for decimal points.

去掉百分号,小数点向左移动两位。Take out percent sign, move decimal points two places to the left.

小数点左边的整数部分表示日期。The integer portion, to the left of the decimal point, represents the date.

IP地址是由0到255之间的4位数字组成,有小数点分开。IP addresses consist of four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by decimals.

一个小数点的位置放错,就可以导致一个本可以完成的项目失败。The misplacement of one decimal point can ruin an otherwise acceptable project.

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一个浮点型数据就是一个,带小数点的数。So a floating point value again is a number with a decimal point, so it depends.

我儿子在做数学题时经常出现粗心的错误,把小数点点错位。My son often makes careless mathematics mistakes by pointing off the wrong figures.

比如,数字内小数点位数太多或图片上数据标签太多。Too many decimal places in a number or too many data labels on a graph are examples.

判断未经填补的数值字串内小数点左边数字的位数。Determine the number of digits to the left of the decimal in the unpadded numeric string.

它当然不在1号房间,因为小数点后第一个数字与1号房的第一个数字不一样。It’s certainly not in Room 1, since it has a different first digit from the number there.

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同样,解析器也能识别其他的基本类型,可以使用个小数点来创建浮点类型The parser also recognizes other basic types. Doubles can be created with a decimal point

数值数据类型的小数位数是小数点右侧的位数。The scale of a numeric data type is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

含有小数点或指数的数字表示的是小数,其他数字表示的是整数。Numerals with decimal points or exponents denote reals , while other numerals denote integers.