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贺卡已行之有年。"The" card for years.

请问一卡通有年费吗?。Is there an annual fee?

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好。请问一卡通有年费吗?。OK. Is there an annual fee?

这里的温泉可是很有年头儿了。The hot spring here is very old.

他有年津大学学位。He has a degree from Oxford University.

在信贷限额内没有年费或利息。There are no annual fees or interest on credit limit.

仪容整洁和个人卫生的考究已经行之有年了。Grooming and personal hygiene have been around for ages.

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因为习惯的养成已行之有年,无法瞬间被改变。They've been established over years, so they can't change in a snap.

仪容整洁和个人卫生的讲求已经行之有年了。Grooming and privgot hygiene haudio-videoe i've been around for matures.

我明白外贸熊猫广告联盟有年费,我应该按时交年费。I understand that there is annual membership fee associated with WM panda AD. Alliance.

不过李梅亭这些人都是教授有年,有现成讲义的。People like Li Mei-t' ing , who had been teaching for years, had ready-made lecture notes.

主厨聘于阿根廷,初,师从当地三星级大厨师,为厨经久有年。The Chef is from Argentina, where he began his career under the tutelage of a three-star Chef.

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虽然此材料之研发已行之有年,伪电容的反应机制尚待厘清。Although this material has been for several years, the pseudocapacitive reaction mechanism is unclear.

外国立法例之实践上,「非现金出资」制度已行之有年。"Contributions in kind" and "non-cash consideration" schemes have worked in practice abroad for many years.

拓领自1996份后,由于有年超通过参股合作伙伴新科安达已在中国建立了业务网点。Toll has been operational in China through its controlling interest in joint venture partner ST-Anda since 1996.

我们最有年夜概在奢华的五星饭铺里找到正享受甘旨多汁的伙食的牛儿了。The Epicurean Bull will most likely be found savoring succulent three-course meals at posh five-star restaurants.

美国外交政策中一项行之有年的既定基本原则就是要让国际社会听得到台湾人的声音。Enabling the voice of Taiwans people to be heard in the international community is a long-established principle of U.

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不过圣诞市集不像年宵市场一样有年花卖,要买圣诞松树者则另有其市场。The Christmas markets generally don't sell the pine trees for Christmas, though. There are other markets for those trees.

这个职位主要负责农业银行卡有年费吗管理国际事业部,国内事业部和邮政银行卡有年费吗物流事业部。This position will be in charge of International Busine Division, Greater China Busine Division, and Logistic Busine Division.

有一个假币厂,夸口自己有年生产10万枚美国银币的能力。The Group even found one manufacturer, bragging about his ability to produce over 100, 000 counterfeit U.S. Silver Dollars a year.