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这一观点岂止是可以理解的。That view is understandable.

他岂止是报答了我的帮助。He has more than repaid my kindness.

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岂止是奥运?生活也是。还是那句话。Still, life is on, and here we stand.

他岂止是微笑,简直是大笑。He more than smiled. He laughed a lot.

他岂止是个战士,简直是个英雄。He is more than a soldier. He is simply a hero.

肌肤保湿岂止八杯水那么简单。Moist skin is far beyond eight glasses of water per day.

那家伙岂止愚蠢,他简直是彻底无知。That guy is more than stupid. He's a dyed-in-the-wool ignoramus.

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岂止是不好,他对待动物让人毛骨悚然!Unkind is not the word for it ! He treats the animals appallingly !

遭消遣的,岂止是约翰派克这个美国恶霸一人?。By entertainment, John Parker is more than one person the American bully?

“海伦得到那份工作高兴吗?”“岂止是高兴?她简直飘飘然了!”"Was Helen pleased about getting that job?" "Pleased? She was on cloud nine! "

对生命的漠视和麻木,岂止是世态炎凉。Disregard for human life and numbness, is not only the fickleness of the world.

岂止是冷落,假如在物质上是可能的话,实际上她是把他的吻给擦掉了。She had, in fact, undone the kiss, as far as such a thing was physically possible.

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“岂止知道,还十分的熟悉。”萧隐淡淡答道。"Not only know, too very make with. "The Xiao is concealed light to respond a way.

可是不能活命的预感,岂止是她预料的可怕而已?But the prospect of failing to survive was not merely frightening, as she had expected.

到了现代,“语言艺术”已作更进一步发展,又岂止“花如解语”而已哉!In modern society, the "language arts" have pushed themselves forward to a further and wider range, even over flowery word.

岂止这些,还死乞白赖地捧出大把大把的钞票“奉献”给敲诈者呢!Stop these, dead still beg bilks the ground to hold in both hands in vain give big big money " consecratory " give blackmailer!

岂止如此,他还把男爵说成是他有生以来不幸遇上的最无法容忍的迂夫子。Indeed he went farther, and characterised the baron as the most intolerable formal pedant he had ever had the misfortune to meet with.

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“可怜天下父母心”。做一个合格的父亲岂止是一门学问,实在是一场严峻的考验,是一场漫长的高难度综合考试。Pitiful world parents heart. " To be a qualified father is a science, it is a severe test, and it is a long and difficult comprehensive examination."

你是否曾经对某家咖啡馆的香味念念不忘,冬天里一大壶牛奶咖啡,岂止是温暖你的身体,更像生命中必要的温暖和美好的记忆。Do you have a home to the smell of coffee obsession, a major winter pot of coffee milk, is not only warm your body, more like life in the necessary warmth and good memories.

岂止是人类羡慕雄孔雀美丽的尾羽,就连这雄孔雀自身也因这美丽而陶醉,以至进一步养成了嫉妒的恶习。It is not only a beautiful human envy male peacock tail feathers, and even the male peacock itself because of this beautiful and intoxicating, as well as to further develop the bad habits of jealousy.