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你可以在USDA网站找到当地的农友市场。You can find a farmer's market in your area at the USDA website.

我们会跟该位农友接触,希望能够将有关狗只稳妥地绑好。We will contact that farmer and hope the dog will be tied safely.

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在农场里,农友们可以根据他们的等级选择自己喜欢的作物来栽种。On the farm, farmers can plant what they like according to their levels.

番茄与苦瓜在夏季容易有疫病,一场大雨下来,农友的心血全部都泡在水里,没有东西收成。After a heavy rain, when their vegetables all bathe in the water, the farmers get nothing for their efforts.

农产公司自1990年代中开始宣传基改种子,向农友保证可降低有毒农药的用量。In the mid-1990s agribusinesses began advertising GM seeds that promised to reduce a farmer's use of toxic pesticides.

昨日下午到塱原工作,有农友告知拾获一只受伤的彩鹬女,于是便将受伤彩鹬送到嘉道理农场救治。When I was working in LV yesterday, a farmer told me that he found an injured Painted Snipe . It was then taken to KFBG.

目前我们的产品及谘询服务已经得到许多农友使用之后对于产品的正面肯定,我们希望能够有机会为更多的农友服务。We also offer agriculture planning, consulting and technological transfer services. We wish to have greater chance serving more farmer and gardener.

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该文以农友长茄为接穗,以托鲁巴姆为砧木,研究了茄子嫁接育苗技术。Therefore, this paper analyzed long eggplant seedling and grafting technology taking the NongYou long eggplant as scion and Toru Bam as the rootstock.

渔农自然护理署和蔬菜统营处自一九九四年起合办信誉农场计划,由农友自发参与,供应优质安全蔬菜。The voluntary Accredited Farm Scheme implemented by the AFCD and the Vegetable Marketing Organisation since 1994 aims to supply clean and safe vegetables.

明天的有机生态岛的报导中,要带大家认识卢振旭农友队的其他农友,重新学习一生中的习性,而看到有机农业的生机。In tomorrow's feature on organic farming, we meet some of the older members of Lu Zhenxu's team, who had to relearn the habits of a lifetime, to successfully grow organic produce.

由于近日有大批鸟友和摄影者到塱原观鸟和鸟摄,为免引来农友和附近村民不满,请紧守以上之守则。Since a lot of bird watchers and photographers present in Long Valley recently, in order to avoid bad feeling of farmers and residents, please follow the regulations mentioned above.