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德纳第恭恭敬敬地回答Thenardier replied respectfully

男仆恭恭敬敬地送走了客人。The footman bowed the guests out.

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他恭恭敬敬地站在父亲面前。He stood before his father with cap in hand.

满座的人,也都恭恭敬敬的听。Other present people were also listening respectfully.

亚当从门缝里往外望去,一看来者正是上帝,便赶紧恭恭敬敬地开门,把上帝请了进来。Adam looked through a crack, and saw that it was the Lord.

飞行员恭恭敬敬地表示他们一点也不累。Cap in hand the pilots represented that they were not at all tired.

禹站在山坡下方恭恭敬敬地直立着。Emperor Yu stood at the foot of the hill slope with great reverence.

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对他们恭恭敬敬、以礼相待,就会有好结果。If he receive them respectfully, there will be good fortune in the end.

然后,我慢慢地,恭恭敬敬地将钥匙插入钟里去,上动了发条,钥匙点燃了钟的生命。Then slowly, reverently, I inserted the key and wound the clock. It sprang to life.

费小胡子恭恭敬敬接连答应了几个“是”,眼睛看在地下。Fei Little Beard, his eyes still on the floor, replied with a string of deferential yeses.

云将在鸿蒙面前恭恭敬敬地叩了无数个响头,又将老问题重新提了一遍。He kowtowed many times in great reverence before Hong Meng and raised the old questions again.

云将跪下来恭恭敬敬地磕了两个响头,神情肃然,抬头挺胸地走了。Kneeling down solemnly, Yun Jiang kowtowed twice and left, with head rising and chest lifting.

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冲一杯咖啡,恭恭敬敬放在电脑主机上,结果洒在了地毯上。Blunt one cup coffee, respectful polite respect put on the computer host, result spread at carpet up.

安德烈公爵说道,他站了起来,像在外人近旁那样恭恭敬敬地吻着她的手。"Good-night, Liza , " said Prince Andrey, getting up and kissing her hand courteously, as though she were a stranger.

我拿出车票,带着奶酪,大摇大摆地走上站台,站台上的人都恭恭敬敬地退向两旁。I took my ticket, and marched proudly up the platform, with my cheeses, the people falling back respectfully on either side.

吴老太爷接过来恭恭敬敬摆在膝头,就闭了眼睛,干瘪的嘴唇上浮出一丝放心了的微笑。Old Mr. Wu took it and laid it reverently on his lap. He closed his eyes again, a faint smile of peace on his shrivelled lips.

她点点头,恭恭敬敬用嘴唇碰了碰杯子,向送她礼物的人示意——虽然她知道那礼物她是永远也得不到的。She nodded her head and touched her lips courteously to the wine- glass and to the giver of the gift she knew would never be given.

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谷野站在机舱门口,恭恭敬敬地垂着头,保持着日本人的微鞠躬样子。Wild station in the valley respectfully hangs a head in the passenger compartment doorway and keep Japanese of tiny bow appearance.

舜登天子位后,去看望父亲,仍然恭恭敬敬,并封象为诸侯。After Shun ascended the throne as the Son of Heaven, he still called on his father respectfully, and granted the leud title to Xiang.

希望佛教徒要有虔诚的心,恭恭敬敬朝拜四大菩萨,用功学习佛法。I hope that all Buddhists will sincerely and reverently pay homage to these four great Bodhisattvas, and diligently study the Buddhadharma.