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开启原稿外盖。Open the document cover.

传输单面原稿时选择。Select to transmit 1-sided documents.

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每一科目讲义原稿一次送印请勿超过50页。The master copy can not exceed 50 pages.

新编辑把她的原稿批得一无是处。The new editor picked her manuscript to pieces.

你多印几份,并非要毁掉原稿。Thou shouldst print more, not let that copy die.

原稿将于下月初付印。The manuscript will go to press early next month.

我在不列颠博物馆里找来找去终于找到了那份原稿。I hunted down the manuscript in the British Museum.

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那原稿行间夹有他修改的词语。The manuscript was interlined with his corrections.

我把我原稿许多不需要的字删去了。I cancelled many unnecessary words in my manuscript.

这是剧本“罗密欧和朱丽叶”的原稿。This is the script of the play of"Romio and Juliet".

敏感的认购者找处处方原稿。the subtle subscriber found the prescription manuscript.

她将清样与原稿核对。She collated the final proof with the original manuscript.

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他昨天将原稿送到印刷厂。MANUSCRIPT】He sent the manuscript to the printer yesterday.

我们正设法重建资料,将原稿数位化。We're trying to restore information and digitalize manuscripts.

论文原稿发表时威格力担任CRU的管理人。Wigley was in charge of CRU when the original paper was published.

收藏伊斯兰世界的制陶业、原稿和挂毯。Collect ceramics , manuscripts and tapestries of the Islamic World.

用自动进纸时,原稿正面朝上还是朝下?。A. When you use the auto feed, do you put the originals face up or down?

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在你使用自动进纸功能时,你的原稿正面朝上还是朝下?When you use the automatic feed, do you put the originals face up or down?

第一幅图是订户版本的封面,第二幅图是文字原稿,第三幅图是售报处的版本。The second is the original composition. The third is the newsstand edition.

在撕毁自己不满意的诗稿原稿时,海子的表现就是暴怒的。When tearing up his own unsatisfied poetry draft, Haizi's manner was furious.