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其他星球上的复制因子?Replicators on other planets?

这是一种换算因子。Well, it's a conversion factor.

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我们应该怎样考虑这些因子?How can we think of these factors?

今天我们讲这些遗传因子称为基因。Today we call these factors genes.

“第三复制因子”是什么意思呢?What do I mean by "third replicator"?

品种因子为裂裂区。Variety was set as the sub-sub-factor.

食物因子为原麝夏季生境选择的首要影响因子。Food factor is the chief factor in summer.

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如果我可以成对获得因子的话就不需要。Not if I can harvest the factors in pairs.

STAT5是独立的预后因子。STAT5 is an independent prognostic factor.

在模型可靠性评价中,Z因子达到0.786以上。The Z factor of the model was 0.786 or above.

银是一个很好的植物成长刺激因子。Silver is an excellent plant-growth stimulator.

指前因子校正了所有的静电力。The pre-factor embodies all the electrostatics.

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一个能及内每个状态的因子是相同的。They're all going to be the same factor anyway.

水是影响黄土高原地区刺槐生长的主要因子。Water is a main factor affecting locust growth.

目前我们仍不清楚这些因子是如何互相作用的。We do not know yet how all these factors co-exist.

自我强化的势利因子开始起作用了。An element of self-reinforcing snobbery is at work.

而且原子核越重,K因子的值越小。The heavier the nucleus, the smaller the K's value.

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独特锁水润泽因子,持续滋润双唇!Unique water-holding factor long moistens the lips!

而少数民族仅在重度精神病患者中为预测因子。Minority race was a predictor in the SMI group only.

温度是影响潜育期的重要因子。Temperature has obvious effect on incubation period.