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作为商家,我们不能欺骗顾客。As sellers, we must not hoodwink our customers.

看都把商家逼成什么样子啦!Forced to look into what businessmen regarded him!

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点击商家名称,新窗口打开。Click on the merchant name, and a new window will open.

嗯……那么,可以的话,好商家,来一支好三叉戟。Hmmm. Well, stout yeoman, a sturdy trident, if you please.

标签是精明的商家细分市场的明确标靶。Labels are smart businessmen breakdown clear target market.

它们对商家来说,有着不错的声誉、鲜美而且丰富的肉质。They have a reputation for firm, tasty meat and lots of it.

作为买家,我很乐意商家坚持以低价把商品卖给我。The seller insisted on selling her product at a lower price.

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商家应遵守的经营规则之一是每笔生意要做到货款两讫。Businessmen is that Both sides should Be clear for each deal.

因此,当合同一年期满后,你应该随时准备和商家做一笔新的交易。Be prepared to try and make a deal when your 12 months are up.

这是很容易受到商家,香槟说。It's very easy to be influenced by marketers, " Chandon says."

商家已经认识到如果你想要一位男士购买防皱霜。If you want a man to buy wrinkle cream, marketers have learned.

许多假货可以乱真,商家无法一下子识破。Many fake the real thing, merchants can not see through at once.

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商家贩卖任何他们能出售的东西。The sellers, they're selling everything what they can, you know.

电子商家如何将触角进一步伸入社交网络?How Can Existing E-commerce Vendors Tap Into the Social Web More?

通过乐友圈还可以与商家直接沟通。Through le you ring can also communicate with merchants directly.

收据上的商家名称应该是可解码的格式。Vendor name on a printed receipt should be in a decodable format.

而那些对枪支说不的商家,也与枪支拥有者展开了政治对抗。And some have, creating political confrontations with gun owners.

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一些规模较小的商家已经开始倒闭。Some of the smaller players have already started to be weeded out.

要小心商家推销可以吸收空气中辐射的手机饰品。Beware of pendants that sellers claim snatch radiation from the air.

小本经营的商家,也能做成大生意。Shops doing Business with a small capital can also make great deals.