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你随时都可以到我家来作客。Visit us whenever you can.

能否赏光来敝处作客?Would you honor us with a visit?

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今晚有人要去他们那里作客。They are expecting guests tonight.

我们一样是作客在天涯。As roamers, we are of the same line.

我小时候常去“山墙庄园”作客。I often visited The Gables when I was a boy.

我们邀请了弗雷泽一家今晚来作客。We've invited the Frasers round this evening.

谢谢刘总作客我们网络直播间!Thank you Mr. Liu studio guest of our network!

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她还经常到哥本哈根去玻尔家作客。She also often go to Copenhagen Jia Zuoke Bohr.

奥林比亚高斯作客西班牙球会11次,2平9负未偿一胜。Especially since they 0-2-9 in 11 visits to Spain.

但是美国人去朋友家作客,有带葡萄酒的传统。But one tradition is to bring a nice bottle of wine.

这个周末他将到他爷爷家和他妈妈家作客。He is visiting his grandad and his mum this weekend.

昨天我的一个朋友带着她的孩子来作客。Yesterday a friend of mine brought her toddler to visit.

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有一天,他写信给林顿请他来画眉山庄作客。One day he wrote to Linton inviting him to visit the Grange.

从此以色列进入了埃及,雅各伯也就在含邦作客。Then Israel came to Egypt, Jacob settled in the land of Ham.

在藏族朋友家里作客时,我喝到了青稞酒。I drank some barley wine when I was visiting a Tibetan friend.

朋友每每来作客,都夸我们家挺有品位的。The friend often sojourns , our home has boast quite of grade.

她初到北京作客时,我们如同朋友一般地照顾她。We befriended her when she first arrived in Beijing as a guest.

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弗兰克·哈里斯被邀请到英国所有的大家门第作客——惟只一次。Frank harris is invited to all the great houses in england-once.

新年那天,我邀请他第二天来白宫作客。On New Years Day, I invited him to the White House the next day.

毫无疑问,你哥嫂会请你去作客的。To be sure, yourbrother and sister will ask you to come to them.