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此项改革势在必行。This reform must be enforced.

因此,网络纵深防御,势在必行。Thus, network defense-in-depth is imperative.

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可惜势在必行,犹豫不决的心里打算明天再想。But be imperative, shilly-shally heart going to tomorrow.

我国高校企业改制势在必行。So reformation in university-run enterprise is imperative.

基于情感的服装图像分类势在必行。So, emotion-based clothing image classification is imperative.

减小船舶阻力,提高航行速度已势在必行。Minish the ship resistance and improve theheadway is necessary.

因此,解决合唱中的音准问题势在必行。So, it is imperative to solve the intonation problem in chorus.

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鉴于此,对西瓜转化抗旱基因使之节水势在必行。Since then, it is urgent to transform the drought-tolerant gene.

因而,适时征收环境税已势在必行。Therefore, to timely collect environmental taxation is imperative.

这势在必行,是为了健康的未来实行改革进程的一部分。This is part of reform for a healthy future, and it is imperative.

处理好你和你的配偶之间的关系也是势在必行的。It’s also imperative to nurture your relationship with your spouse.

因而节约水资源对每个人来说都势在必行。Thus, it is necessary for everyone to economize on water resources.

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面对自身存在的问题,教师口语课程改革势在必行。In new period, facing so many problems, the reform is pre-requisite.

完善我国现有的侦查监督制度已经势在必行。So it is necessary to complete the system of supervision investigation.

因此,对标准图进行结构优化设计势在必行。Hence, the optimized design for the standard drawing must be carried on.

农村信用代办站的改革势在必行。It is imperative to undertake system reform of rural credit institution.

因此,降低相控阵的副瓣,势在必行。It is, therefore, needed to lower the pattern sidelobes of phased arrays.

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因此,构建我国完整的体育仲裁制度势在必行。Therefore, it is necessery to set up a complete sports arbitration system.

改革制造费用分配标准势在必行。It is imperative to reform the allocating standard of manufacture expenses.

民事行政检察监督机制的改革与完善势在必行。The system of civil and administrative trial supervision is to be reformed.