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铝是一种轻金属。Aluminium is a light metal.

铝锂合金是一种新型轻金属材料。The aluminium-lithium alloy is a new light metallic material.

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与轻金属,镀锌钢材,碳钢有良好的附着力。Good adhesion to light metal, galvanized steel and carbon steel.

轻金属覆层增加了车辆通过笨重路面时的机动性。Light metal track layers increased trafficability through the heavy ground.

迪特里克二世现年73岁,其经营的公司是美国最大的轻金属结构框架制造商。Dietrich, 73, ran the nation's largest manufacturer of light metal construction framing.

壁板上的波纹钢波纹添加的刚性和力量,这轻金属。The corrugations on the corrugated steel siding add rigidity and strength to this light metal.

广东省铝镁轻金属材料产学研战略联盟的成员。The member of "Guangdong Province AL-Mg light Metal Materials of Production Strategic Alliance".

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他们通常运用在工业中来软化轻金属,例如铝和铜。They are already employed industrially to shape soft and light metals, such as aluminium and copper.

在这里挖下去,你就会发现卤水——充满盐分的水——富含最轻金属锂的沉积物。Dig down and you find brine – water saturated with salt – rich in deposits of lithium, the lightest metal.

以郑州市轻金属研究院为例,探讨了桩端压力注浆技术在人工挖孔灌注桩中应用的基本工艺。This paper discuss a new technology of high pressure grouting used in the end of concrete piles digged by hand.

这种轻金属炉子的木材消耗量仅相当于目前难民营烹煮食物所用木材量的四分之一。The light metal stove uses only about one-fourth as much wood as the cooking method currently used in the camps.

铝合金、镁合金和钛合金轻金属压铸件在市场中将占主导地位。Die castings of light metals including aluminum, magnesium and titanium will be occupied in leading status in market.

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随着社会的发展,以镁为主导的轻金属工业必将成为未来的主流结构之一。With the development of the society, light metal industry based on magnesium will become one of leading structures in the future.

最近的趋势表明,轻金属特别是铝在机器罩和门等方面的应用日益增加。Latest trends show an increasing use of light metals, in particular the use of aluminium in applications such as bonnet and doors.

铁红、铁黑环氧脂漆底漆,使用于涂覆黑色金属表面,灰环氧酯底漆使用于涂覆轻金属表面。Most epoxy primer, blend in, use fat lacquer surface coated with black metal, epoxy ester primer used in coating surface of wires.

设计师设计了一个轻金属系统,允许悬垂,释放了室内空间和其他结构元素以及墙体。We design a light metalic system which permits ample overhangs, freeing up the interior space from other structural elements or walls.

轻金属加工经营者经营用于塑造和形成表或其他轻金属零件或产品的金属加工机械。Light metalworking machine operators operate metalworking machines which shape and form sheet or other light metal into parts or products.

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它可用于纸张,铝箔,纸板,布料,皮革,玻璃,聚酯,醋酸板,泡沫橡胶,聚氨酯泡沫,发泡胶及轻金属部件上。It can be used on paper, foil, cardboard, cloth, leather, glass, mylar, acetate sheet, foam rubber, urethane foam, styrofoam and light metal sections.

活塞越轻,轴承的负荷越小,轴承的工作寿命就越长。还有一种可是活塞质量减小的方法,就是用轻金属制造活塞。The lighter the piston, the less the hearing load and the longer the bearing will last. Another way to lighten the piston is to make it of light metal.

轻量化可以通过采用轻金属来实现,也可以采用更高强度材料来实现,铝合金强韧化综合了轻量化发展的两个方向。The lightweighting can be realized by adopting light metal or higher strength material. The stengthen and toughening of Al alloy colligate the way of lightweighting.