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屋顶可能需要翻新。It may need to be retrofitted.

古老的故事,适合翻新。Old stories fit with retreads.

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全新和翻新的公共空间New and refurbished public spaces

另外九门课也将得到翻新。The other nine are being revamped.

旧大衣可以翻新。Old overcoats can be reconditioned.

他们翻新了旧家具。They worked over the old furniture.

翻新机,根本查不到这个序列号,要不就是你打错了…Finding your serial number is easy. See how.

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新业主对酒吧进行了翻新。The new owner had given the pub a face-lift.

沙发刚刚翻新过。The leather sofa has just been reconditioned.

伦敦的生活日日翻新,正如它的天气般变幻莫测。Life changes there every day, so do the seasons.

房子翻新可能需要安装新的门框。A retrofit may involve putting in new door jambs.

它特别适用于翻新工作。It is particularly suited to retrofitting efforts.

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埃米莉亚自己缝衣服,并把所有旧衣服都翻新。Emilia, herself, sewed and reversed all their dresses.

在加州,我们已经翻新了所有的砖石结构房屋。In California we retrofit all of the masonry building.

“明日世界”在1968年进行了第一次大规模翻新。Tomorrowland was given its first major makeover in 1968.

因此,如果你想你的旧家翻新,然后穿上?Therefore, if you want to renovate your old home then don?

我买了这些翻新的4250人的大约2个月前。I bought one of these refurbished 4250's about 2 months ago.

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在1996年,蒙迪欧进行了较大规模的翻新改进。In 1996, the Mondeo had a large-scale renovation to improve.

对安全功能进行翻新改造通常都是达不到目的的。Security that is retrofitted is usually woefully inadequate.

驱动器必须是新的,或者以迪克斯的标准翻新的。Drives must be new or remanufactured to Dixie Specifications.