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到喜雨飘洒的五月。To the sweet rain of May.

天空飘洒着雪花。Snowflakes were swirling in the air.

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迷漫的雪花从天而降,飘洒飞扬。The beautiful snow is suffusing from the sky.

下雪了,久违的雪花飘飘洒洒地落了下来。It 's snowing, stranger snow or spread to fall down.

飘飘洒洒,如同一个舞者,旋转着舞姿,轻盈地落下。Is voluminous, and as a dancer, rotating dance, falling airily.

塞北的雪,急切切地来,飘飘洒洒,莹洁璀璨。Saibei snow, earnestly anxious to come, Durian, Yingjie bright.

我是温柔和煦的雨,飘洒在金光闪烁的田野。I am the gentle showers of rain, on westfall's fields of golden grain.

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春雨淅淅沥沥的飘洒下来,桃花在春雨的呼唤下醒了。Down the drift spring, peach blossoms in the spring under the wake of the call.

这几乎跟窗外还在飘洒的白茫茫的暴风雪一样让我们兴奋。This was almost as thrilling as the pale storm still floating outside the windows.

直到有一天,正如我所希望的,我的灰烬将飘洒在这片沙土上。And one day, it's there on the sand, or so I hope, that my ashes will be scattered.

伸手所触兮,惟一叶飘零一滴飘洒。My hands reached out, catching nothing but a rain drop, on a leaf that had withered.

从那以后,每到冬天,天空就会飘洒下纷纷扬扬的雪花。Since then, every winter, the sky will float in the air there were numerous under the snow.

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四周,由于蒙上了一层油,山峦是黑色的,有的山峦则被天然气和在风中飘洒的喷油遮挡住了。All around, the hill were black with oil, and some were hidden by gas and drifting oil spray.

魔影一出,不多时吴府上空便血雨飘飘洒洒。Being evil to copy is a , not many your family Wu is then blank blood rain to float to spread.

此生,我循着古老的传说,在时光的隧道里,为你飘洒着枯萎的花瓣。This life, I follow the ancient legend, in the time tunnel, you drift with the withered petals.

跳进堆中,向空中抛扔树叶,树叶就像雪花一样飘洒下来。Jump into the middle of the pile and throw the leaves up in the air so they fall down like snowflakes.

冬天,坐在屋子里的火炉边,看着飘飘洒洒的雪花。浪漫!The winter, sits in the room nearby the stove, looksfloatingly the snowflake which sprinkles Romantic!

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尤其对深色头发,能使秀发乌黑亮丽,让你展现健康飘洒风采。Especially for dark hair, can make beautiful hair beautiful black, let you show, hold the health style.

冬雪开始飘洒在“骷髅”师的防区,组织了德军对列宁格勒的进攻。The winter snows now descended on the Totenkopf's sector, freezing the German advance against Leningrad.

上海的酒吧很多,就像繁星飘洒在夜空一样,遍布这座城市的每一个角落。Shanghai, a lot of bars, like the stars drift in the night sky, like everywhere in the city every corner.