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兵种造型看起来怎么样?So how do they look like?

村庄里可以招募高级兵种。Ranked soldiers are now recruitable in villages.

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作为防御兵种,你有阔剑地雷。In a defensive role you have four claymore mines.

我必须说虫族需要一个像高阶圣堂武士一样有翻盘能力的兵种。I'd say the Zerg need a unit like the Protoss High Templar.

她是远程杀伤里最高的兵种,拥有穿透敌人的特技。She is long-range lethality highest warriors, have penetrate enemy stunts.

石像鬼是对付远程兵种的最好部队。Gargoyles are the best troops to use against enemy shooters and magic-users.

当面对大量的单一兵种的敌人,你可以建造一支对他们有额外伤害的、克制他们的部队来对抗特定的单位类型。When facing large numbers of enemy units that are all of one unit type, you can

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技术上来说曹已经超过了UNSC巡游艇兵种的强制退休年龄。Cho was technically past the mandatory retirement age in the UNSC prowler corps.

新单位将改变兵种相克的体系以及影响对手的应对方法。New units change the counter scheme or how the opposing player must use their units.

单兵种对多兵种作战的最优策略是研究多兵种对多兵种作战最优策略的基础。Optimal firepower assignment strategy of 1 Vs many combat is the basis of many Vs many.

如果是单一的兵种,蒙古突骑可以打败土耳其的火枪兵。If it is a single branch, Mongolia, Turkey, Tunisia riding a musket soldiers can defeat.

重型反坦克兵由于携带重装备所以只有少量武器和弹药。这个兵种用来消灭敌人的重型装甲目标,比如主战坦克。Heavy Anti-Tank soldiers have a small kit due to the weight of their AT weapons and ammunition.

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你可以让你的领主使用你的国家文化,自由佣兵或者自定义兵种。You can make your lords use soldiers of your kingdom's culture, Freelancers or your custom troops.

一份“概念验证”将于下月完成并提交给联合兵种中心。A “proof of concept” should be finished and given to the Combined Arms Center by the middle of next month.

兵种配置上,中山国设有车兵、步兵、骑兵等。As far as the aims of services is concerned, there are chariot soldier, infantry, cavalry in Zhongshan State.

兵种配置上,中山国设有车兵、步兵、骑兵等。As far as the arms of services is concerned, there are chariot soldier, infantry, cavalry in Zhongshan State.

拥有强大的盾牌和较高的防御,是主力战场不可或缺的正面对抗敌人兵种。He has a strong shield and a higher defense, is the main battlefield indispensable confrontation enemy units.

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我父亲允许我加入任何一个兵种,空军也可以,但是却断然拒绝我加入装甲军。My father had given me permission to join any branch, even aviation, but categorically forbade the Panzer corps.

这个功能我用得很多。这绝对为P族添加了先前没有的东西——它为P族带来了机动性和新的兵种相克性。I played with this mechanic quite a bit and it definitely adds something to the Protoss that wasn't there before.

我们的目的就是要让兵种都变的尽可能有趣,尽可能非凡。Our goal was to make the units as interesting as possible and as different from one another as we possibly could.