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湖面泛起涟漪。The lake rippled gently.

小小的心湖里起涟漪。Ripples stir in my heart.

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那云只是道涟漪。And the clouds just a ripple?

微风使水面上荡起了涟漪。The lake dimpled at the breeze.

为它们尾下的涟漪祈祷For the ripples below their tails

桃花初开,泛起一片涟漪。Early on a peach blossom open, ripples.

这又会在全球引起怎样的涟漪呢?What will the global ripples look like?

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河水淙淙地流着,泛起层层涟漪。The river rippled and murmured gracefully.

她的肖像使我联想到了湖心泛起的涟漪。Her portraits remind me of ripples in a pond.

微风于池面起了涟漪。The wind rippled the surface of the cornfield.

一阵微风吹过,湖面上漾起圈圈涟漪。A gentle breeze rippled the surface of the lake.

愿我思念的涟漪,化作这帧诗笺,融进你的心魂……May my missing be this poem instilling your heart.

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将平静无波的生活激起一圈圈涟漪。The quiet life of wave ripples stirred up a circle.

你可曾因老师的一句赞言而心起涟漪?You have a great teacher because it ripples on heart?

起风了,激起池面层层涟漪。A wind had blown up, rippling the surface of the pool.

只留下层层的涟漪,在我的心湖里?。Leaving behind only ripples after ripples in my heart?

涟漪泳动,那是巴河湿漉漉的感恩。Ripples undulating, that's damp thanksgiving of Ba River.

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它的涟漪深深波及心弦It ripples out, moreover, to the heartstrings that will tug

我不倦地行走去洗刷跑马洛克的涟漪。As I walk'd where the ripples continually wash you Paumanok.

其实,在我心里都会荡漾出最幸福的涟漪。In fact, in my heart will be most happy ripples rippling out.