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太医当场把事情经过告诉给了重病在身的皇后。Cure too much on the spot to get things through to the ill queen.

宋代太医局医学教育经过长期发展,制度已经相对完善。Over a long period of development, the system has relatively improved.

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一会太医到了,给澜惠把了脉后之乎者也的一顿说。A short while cured too much and gave Lan Hui after the vein it also say.

太医却说妳没事,只要多休息还是有可能会醒的,妳还要休息多久啊?Doctor said you're okay, as long as the rest could be awake, you need to rest?

皇玛法,您不舒服?要不要找太医来看看。Emperor Ma method, are you uneasy?Wanting don't seek to cure also many to see.

快来人,把林太医找来给八福晋看看。Quick bearer cures a wood to seek also many to see because eight blessing Jin.

说完话一个太医表示可以割皇上囚禁的杨秀和杨勇的肉。With these words a cure too much can cut the emperor said in YangXiuHe YangYong meat.

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林致表示太医所诊无差,靖瑶怀孕的希望只有一两成。Lin said the imperial examination no difference, Jing Yao pregnant hope only one or two.

石太医向东坡透露安石已预料此事,要侍卫不要重打。Stone cure too much XiangDongPo revealed ashmore had expected it to guard dont retype it.

请描述别人送你的一样礼物。太医谈谁送给你的,描述礼物并说说你喜欢的原因。Describe a present that someone gave you. Talk about who gave it to you, describe it and say why you like it.

她其实是偷偷去看过的太医的,太医保证过她的身体真的没有问题!She in fact is secretly once saw of remedy too much of, cured to once promise too much her body to really have no problem!

这道传达至今的清宫御用药膳,传说是太医特地为慈禧研制的丰胸秘方。This message has the Qing Road, Queens Diet, the legend is the imperial doctor Empress developed specifically for breast recipe.

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玉儿终于到了生孩子的时候,负责接生的太医却遗憾的泄漏玉儿孩子流产的事情。Her children finally arrived, is responsible for delivering the cure too much but unfortunately abortion leakage on her children.

你太医倒是因为人家质疑你几句就出去瞎说诋毁人四福晋名誉。You cure to gush too much for the someone else queries you several go out to talk rubbish to scandal a person four congratulating Jin fame.

你太医之前看了说没毛病,结果复查时又说要开药,人家‘不懂’嘛!Saw say to have no trouble before you remedy too much, result reexamination afresh say to prescribe a medication, someone else'do not understand'!

太医前来查看,原来是海兰花毒性复发,但海兰珠已有身孕不能用药过猛,暂无药方可治。Cure too much to see, originally is the sea orchid toxicity recurrence, but the sea LanZhu drug already pregnant cant too hard, no medicine can cure.

金海太医小儿止咳茶对各种咳嗽均有效,特别是咳嗽初起和久治不愈的小儿咳嗽效果更佳,有立竿见影之功效。Children of various cough cough tea are effective, especially since the beginning of the cough cough and illustrates a better effect, immediate effect.

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说完大步赶到府门口上了马,带着一行侍卫和宫里的太医们向行宫赶去。Finish saying the huge step arrives to a horse in the mansion gateway and take too curing of a line of bodyguard and temple inside to go a temple to rush through.

太医给澜惠配了药后,德妃也叫澜惠赶快回去休息,澜惠没矫情爽快的答应了。After curing to fill a recipe for Lan Hui too, the virtuous imperial concubine makes the Lan Hui return to a recess in a hurry, the Lan Hui has no feigned generously agree.

石太医奉皇上之命到陈府要为大妹把脉,当季常见大妹伸手给石太医把脉,竟眼前一黑晕倒。Stone cure too much orders from the emperor to Chen Fu for big sister pulse, in the common big sister stretched out his hand to cure too much pulse, black fainted at the moment.