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结论药物释放主要取决于凝胶溶蚀。Conclusion The drug release mainly depends on the gel erosion.

溶蚀系数可指示砂金是近或远原生源金矿。The coefficient of dissolution can indicate the source of placer gold.

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成岩作用有压实作用、胶结作用和溶蚀作用。The diagenesis mainly comprise compaction cementation and dissolution.

药物释放是由载体溶蚀和药物扩散作用共同控制的。The drug release is controlled by both drug diffusion and material erosion.

研究区长2储层为中-细粒长石砂岩、岩屑长石砂岩,孔隙类型主要为粒间孔和溶蚀孔隙。The Chang 2 reservoir in the study area is medium to fine arkose and lithic arkose.

对须家河组储层的评价主要是对裂缝和次生溶蚀孔洞发育程度的评价。Its reservoir quality is dependent on the development of fracture and solution pore.

埋藏溶蚀作用对改善储层物性起到至关重要的作用。Burial dissolution is of great importance in reforming the reservoir physical property.

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溶蚀孔洞的充填程度和充填类型明显地控制着储层的储集性。The vugs-filling degree and types control the reservoir quality of dolostone reservoirs.

不整合面、溶蚀孔洞缝、岩溶地貌是其区别于其它储层的特殊标志。Unconformity surface, karst cave and karst landform are signs distinguishing from other reservoirs.

砂岩主要的成岩作用包括机械压实作用、胶结作用、溶蚀溶解作用。The main diagenesis types of sandstones are the mechanical compression, cementation and dissolution.

然后使用有机溶剂将PMMA芯轴及PMMA保护膜溶蚀后可制得空腔铜靶成品。Finished hohlraum Cu target was obtained by dissolving the core axis and protective film made of PMMA.

大足石刻砂岩是上侏罗系蓬莱镇组下部地层,具有典型长石砂岩的成分特征和溶蚀胶结结构。The carved sandstone of Dazu county in Sichuan is a stratum under the Pen-laizhen group of late Jurassic.

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研究了在软水渗透的情况下,水工碾压混凝土的渗透溶蚀特性。The leakage dissolution performances of hydraulic RCC under the permeation of soft water was investigated.

岩溶发育垂向分带不明显,溶蚀孔洞孤立且连通性差。The paleokarst is not developed in vertical zoning and corroded cavity is isolated with poor connectivity.

裂缝和溶蚀孔洞是塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩主要的储集空间。Fractures and caverns are the main spaces of carbonate reservoirs of the Ordovician system in Tahe Oilfield.

储集空间主要为次生裂缝和各种溶蚀孔隙,其次为基质孔隙。Reservoir space is mainly secondary fractures and all types of corroded pores, and secondarily matrix pores.

结果随着释放面积和振荡频率的增加,凝胶溶蚀和药物释放增加。Results The drug release and gel erosion were increased with the rise of surface area and shaking frequency.

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富含有机的酸性流体与岩石作用时,矿物的溶蚀有利于次生孔隙的形成。The migration of fluids rich in organic acid played a very important role in development of secondary pores.

溶蚀作用发生于晚成岩“A”期的中期,对应的地质年代为晚第三纪早期。Their dissolution took place in the middle stage of late diagenesis "A", which corresponds to early Neogene.

前隆带储层类型为孔隙型,主要以原生孔及溶蚀扩大孔组成的混合孔为主。And in forebulge belt mixed aperture of primary pore and dissolved pore was mainly interstice of the reservoir.