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亲眼所见才是算数的。To see is lieve.

我想亲眼见识一下。I want to see for myself.

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我们能亲眼见到他们工作。We can watch them at work.

可,就是有啊!——我亲眼看见一匹!But there is---I've seen one.

我要亲眼见到才能相信。I'll believe it when Isee it.

当我亲眼所见时,我会选择相信。I'll believe it when I see it.

她相信一切亲眼所见之事。She believes everything she sees.

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要是能亲眼见识一下那就更好了!If only we could see the big ones!

这是我们亲眼所见的事实This is something that we're seeing.

我亲眼看见香烟的变迁。I've seen that happen with cigarettes.

她亲眼见到一只怪鸟。She saw a strange bird with her own eyes.

当你亲眼看到她的时候,就会明白她就是苏里。And when you see her, you see she is Suri.

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我们能亲眼到那些雇来修桥的工人。We can see the men employed on the bridge.

我们亲眼看见一那只怪鸟。We saw the strange bird with our own eyes.

到华兴来亲眼看一看吧!Come down to Huaxing and see for yourself !

随后他又亲眼看到吊车装到卡车。He watches as the crane is loaded onto a truck.

我告诉你这是真的——我亲眼看见的。I tell you it's true-I saw it with my own eyes.

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我几乎可以肯定,因为我亲眼见他剪下来的。I am almost sure it is, for I saw him cut it off.

你有没有亲眼见过祈雨舞的表演啊?Have you ever actually seen a rain dance performed?

他们被亲眼所见的暴行吓得呆住了。They were horrified by the outrage before their eyes.