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我有人帮忙的。I had some help.

我要你的帮忙。I want your help.

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一名兽医来帮忙了。A vet comes to help.

我可以用上你的帮忙。I can use some help.

如果你想帮忙的话。If you want to help.

并且我需要你的帮忙。And I need your help.

需要我帮忙吗?女士。Can I help you,Madam?

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我们应该帮忙。We should always help.

请帮忙搭把手,谢谢。Give me a hand, please.

蓝猫,要我帮忙吗?。Lanmao, can I help you?

我可以帮忙您选择.Maybe I could help you.

她求我帮忙。She begged me for help.

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有什么可以帮忙的?What can I do for yoiu?

菲比,你想帮忙吗?Phoebes, you wanna help?

你要给谁去电话帮忙吗?Who'd you call for help?

没有,白身帮忙。Have no, white body help.

阿狗帮忙检视。The dog helps checking up.

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我们都帮忙收割。We all helped the harvest.

“去找人帮忙啊,”男孩恳求道。"Go get help, " he pleads.

有车子发动不起来了都是我来帮忙。I help cars that are stuck.