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遵守公共秩序。Observe public order.

第一分钟秩序的呼吁。First order call formin.

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他在芜杂中创建着秩序。He creates order in chaos.

颠覆社会秩序Upsetting the social order.

有些老师觉得难以维持课堂秩序。Some teachers find it difficult to.

我们必须整顿社会秩序。We should put the society in order.

警察在街上维持秩序。Policemen keep order in the streets.

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维持饭店大门口、停车场交通秩序。Keep the front do parking lot in der.

顽皮的学生打乱了班上的秩序。The naughty pupils disarray the class.

我没有秩序,我处于深深的失序中。I have no order, I am in deep disorder.

请调警察来恢复秩序。Please call in police to restore order.

连警察也介入来维持秩序。And the police stepped in to keep order.

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带我们重回秩序,我是光明的使者!Lead us to order, I am the Lightbringer!

一个新的经济秩序初现曙光。A new financial order is clearly dawning.

维护法律和秩序安全卫士。Security guard to maintain law and order.

新疆天气骤冷,正常生活秩序被打乱。Cold snap strikes normal life in Xinjiang.

这促使当局需要重建秩序。It urged the authorities to restore order.

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和“句号型”性格一样,你也喜欢秩序性。Much like the Period type, you like order.

悔罪并不能决定政治秩序。Contrition cannot define a political order.

都从根本上挑战者社会秩序Fundamental challenges to the social order.