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你大我啊?Do you big me?

我想放大我母亲的照片。I want to magnify my mother's picture.

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成全大我,安娜,你怎么看?For the greater good. Anna, what do you say?

如果我的订单大我能享受折扣吗?Can I have discount if my order is large one?

我捕捉的只是你们在空中飞行的大我。And I hunted only your larger selves that walk the sky.

学会如何效忠国家,成就大我,而非小我。Learn how to serve your country, instead of just yourself.

你怎敢把自己这个“小我”放在孩子这个“大我”前面呢?How dare you put your own selfish whims ahead of the children!

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我是个同性恋者,目前和一个大我七岁的男人在一起。I am a gay man, having an affair with a guy seven years older.

中国孩子从小受到的教育都是“舍小家,顾大家”、“牺牲小我,成就大我”。What the Chinese children have been taught is "sacrifice for others".

和我一起上学的还有3个男孩子,不过他们大我一岁,比我早上一年学。I go to school with 3 boys, but they me, than I morning school a year.

专注不正是大我意识的本质甚或活动吗?Is not attentiveness the nature of , even the function of , Conscious?

一个男人,一个大我三十岁的男人,躺在教堂祭坛旁的灵柩里。A man, thirty years older than I, lies in coffin near the church altar.

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我告诉他,我妈妈怎样在嬉皮时代独自带大我。I told him how Mom had brought me up on her own at the start of the Hippie Era.

今天,我才知道大我16岁的姐姐实际上是我的生身母亲。Today, I found out that my sister who is 16 years older than me is actually my biological mother.

“你长的也很象耶稣,不同于其他的感觉,是“大我”的一种表现”。You look like Jesus very much too. Unlike other feelings, this is a representation of the great self.

而大我恰恰相反,它被看做我们最好的自我,最无私的自我,我们受到启发的自我。The larger self, in contrast, is considered to be our best self, our most selfless self—our enlightened self.

土豆可以去痘印办?有比力温文的上眼皮凸起下眼袋大我可奈何办啊?很着有下眼袋奈何办显现。Do? There is modergot comptend tod to the upper eyelid sag under eye vast how can I do? It is less eyelid do show.

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我们应该唤醒我们本质上的好,即佛教中的“大我”,它在我们所有人的内心。We must awaken to the essential goodness—to what in Nichiren Buddhism is termed our "larger self"—that lies within us all.

呵,我的信仰,我难以驯服的真知!我如何才能飞到你的高度,与你同观印画在空中的人的“大我”?O my faith, my untamed knowledge, how shall I fly to your height and see with you man's larger self pencilled upon the sky?

你不过是你的大我的一个碎片,一张寻求面包的嘴,一只盲目的、为一张干渴的嘴举着水杯的手。You are but a fragment of your giant self, a mouth that seeks bread, and a blind hand that holds the cup for a thirsty mouth.