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保罗是个名不副实的艺术家。Paul is an artist of a sort.

尽管如此,我们还被标榜为名不副实的饮食之国。And yet, we are also labelled a bad food nation.

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法国香吻的声望名不副实了吗?Is the French kiss falling short of its reputation?

正如你知道的那样,很多弗洛伊德的理论都是名不副实的。Just so you know, many of Freud's theories have been discredited.

此外,美国的海洋“禁猎区”名不副实。Moreover, America's marine "sanctuaries" do not live up to their name.

如果您觉得有哪座名不副实,请务必在评论中告知。St。And be sure to tell us which ones you feel were overlooked in the comments.

不过,这种估量名不副实,因为大量的自由与开源软件应用程序运行在Windows上。But that's not a great evaluation since plenty of FOSS apps run on Windows.

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当然,市场在资本配置中所谓的绝对正确性,已被证明名不副实。Of course, the supposed infallibility of the market in allocating capital has been debunked.

但是真实的情况是,大量所谓的独立电影其实名不副实。However, the truth is there are lots of so-called independent film out there that just aren't.

而中亚地区则实际名不副实,他并非在亚洲中心,而是在东亚的边缘,地理上政治上均是如此。Central Asia, belying its label, is on the edge of this space politically as well as physically.

在这种情况下,惠斯勒似乎有些名不副实,让人感觉没那么大也没那么了不起。On such occasions, Whistler hasn't seemed quite so large or fantastic as its reputation suggests.

长期以来,在我国有期徒刑和死刑之间存在着广袤的“刑期真空地带”,无期徒刑的刑期已名不副实。For a long time, there is great vacuum between prison and the death penalty, the life imprisonment is Inaptly named.

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公子们则力图摆脱名不副实的困境,王尔德抓住这个荒谬的冲突正好大做文章。Son who is trying to get rid of the plight of unworthy of the name, Wilde seize this absurd conflict just a big issue.

县、区、乡各级民众政权是普遍的组织了,但是名不副实。People's political power has been established everywhere at county, district and township levels, but more in name than in reality.

但广告名不副实,这种拍卖并非是开天辟地头一遭,农民合法交易土地使用权已经好多年。But contrary to the villagers' advertising, it is hardly path-breaking. Peasants have been legally trading land-use rights for years.

但广告名不副实,这种拍卖并非是开天辟地头一遭,农民合法交易土地使用权已经好多年。But contrary to the villagers’ advertising, it is hardly path-breaking. Peasants have been legally trading land-use rights for years.

但这一名声可能有点名不副实,至少在近年来,信心至少是与股市一样具有前瞻性的。But that reputation might be somewhat undeserved, at least in recent years, when confidence has been at least as forward-looking as stocks.

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萨尔科齐先生的大西洋主义倾向名不副实地抬高了华盛顿和伦敦的期望,这确实差不多是个危险。Indeed there is almost a danger that Mr Sarkozy's Atlanticist leanings have raised expectations unrealistically high in Washington and London.

负面问题是如果一个项目忽略了许多PRINCE2必需的组成要素,那它就成了一个名不副实的“PRINCE2”项目——空有其名。The negative aspect is that many of the essential elements of PRINCE2 can be omitted sometimes resulting in a PINO project – Prince in Name Only.

天体通常“名不副实”,比如,金牛座或白羊座几乎丝毫都不像小公牛或小公羊。Astronomical objects generally don't live up to their names, with constellations like Taurus or Aries bearing little resemblance to a bull or ram.