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这家报纸鼓吹要改善住房条件。The paper agitated for better housing.

senator约翰的追随者正竭力为他鼓吹竞选美国参议员。His followers are booming John for U.S.

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我平素没读过比这更令人鼓吹的故事。Iive never read a far more stirring story.

他开始在我们中间鼓吹他的观点。He is beginning to talk his idea up among us.

事实检验,我们实践了我们所鼓吹的吗?A reality check, do we practice what we preach ?

鼓吹可解决失业问题的妙策。Some nostrum peddled as a cure for unemployment.

第二章是“鼓吹曲辞”的音乐学研究。The second part is the study of Hengchui ballads.

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鼓吹小资情调是变相的粉饰太平。Advocating Petty Bourgeoisie in disguise whitewash.

鼓吹违法行为更有助于提升这种可能性。Advocacy of law-breaking heightens it still further.

鼓吹性新闻有着漫长而光荣的历史。Advocacy journalism has a long and honorable history.

微软还一直鼓吹要支持基于ATOM的feed。Microsoft is also touting support for ATOM-based feeds.

那些就是他们准备鼓吹的改革。These were reforms for which they were prepared to agitate.

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贯穿于陇东丧俗仪式中的音乐活动主要以陇东鼓吹乐为主。The main threads of it is the process of obsequies ceremony.

她大力鼓吹节约是解决危机的关键。She preached economy as the best means of solving the crisis.

国外反华势力鼓吹“中藏独立”。The overseas anti-China forces advocate "Tibet independence".

甚至中国极力鼓吹的经济能力也被误读了。Even China's much-touted economic power has been misunderstood.

他们向世界鼓吹的民主和自由在哪里呢?Where is the democracy and liberalism they preach to the world?

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尽管如此,最近印度那些鼓吹霸权主义的人却已经跑到前台来了。Even so, Hindu hegemonists have recently come to the fore there.

我并非在鼓吹说,没有对艺术的热爱和激情,人类也可以活得有滋有味。I’m not saying we can live without passion and love for our art.

万壑松风天鼓吹,四围花月锦帘栊。Myriad pines days advocate, spent months Kam curtain round cage.