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这一趋势不仅仅发生在德州农工大学。That trend is not exclusive to Texas A&M.

它在一九七零年始于德克萨斯州农工大学。It began in 1970 at Texas A and M University.

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农工们为过冬贮藏了5吨草料。The farmers put up five tons of hay for the winter.

他们雇了几个农工,但谁也不愿意在那儿长期工作下去。They employed a few farmhands, but no one was willing to work there long.

一位访问教授在德州农工大学举行一个关于超自然的讨论课。A visiting professor at Texas A & M University is giving a seminar on the supernatural.

根据该省政府的养老金发放纪录,这名老农工现年94岁。According to the records of the government's pension plan, this old farmer is 94 years old.

对于农业和农工产品,订下来的最长互免关税年期是15年。In the case of agricultural and agro-industrial goods, the maximum period is set at 15 years.

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德州农工大学卡塔尔分校的一个研究小组正在测试这种合成橡胶。A team at Texas A&M University's campus in the Gulf nation of Qatar is testing the synthetic rubber.

得克萨斯农工大学的专家理查德·斯最特博士说,他也是这项新调查报告的共同作者,旁边是他的同事,宾州大教授保罗·海德特。He was the coauthor of the new investigation, alongside Penn State colleague, professor Paul Haidet.

有加州大学伯克利分校,斯坦福,德州大学奥斯汀分校,德州农工大学,哈佛大学,普林斯顿,纽约大学,普渡大学。So UC Berkeley, Stanford, University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M, Harvard, Princeton, NYU, Purdue.

美国德州农工大学野生动物及鱼类系博士,现为开南大学观光与餐饮旅馆系助理教授,长期投入。Ph. D. in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University, Texas, U. S. A. Currently an assistant.

从2009年到2010年,人权观察通过同跨境农工的一系列68个访谈中获得资料。Human Rights Watch obtained its data through a series of 68 interviews with migrant workers from 2009 to 2010.

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七年前,史蒂芬•霍迪克开始担任德州农工大学石油工程系主任。Seven years ago, Stephen Holditch started as head of the petroleum engineering department at Texas A&M University.

“大家都觉得它像个气球,”施耐德博士说,他现在是德州农工大学的客座教授。“People would think of it as a balloon,” said Dr. Schneider, who now is a visiting professor at Texas A&M University.

邓演达是孙中山先生忠实的追随者、中国农工民主党创始人之一。Deng Yanda, a martyr, loyal disciple of Dr. Sun Yatsen, and one of the founders of the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party.

植苇→造纸→废水灌溉→植苇的农工循环生产模式促进了芦苇地系统的发育。The mode of reed-planting-papermaking-sewage irrigation-reed-planting cycle is of benefit for the reed constructed wetlands ecosystem.

神农工为此决心尝遍百草,能食用的放在身体左边的袋子里,介绍给别人吃,或作为药用。God for farmers to taste all grass, that can be eaten on the body to the left of the bag, introduced to other people eat, or as a medicinal.

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第三,革命的三民主义,新三民主义,或真三民主义,必须是农工政策的三民主义。In the third place, the revolutionary, new and genuine Three People's Principles must include the policy of assisting the peasants and workers.

德州农工大学的研究人员正在研究如何从收获的农作物当中提取燃料。Mark Hussey, who oversees agriculture programs at Texas A&M, says a lot of research is directed at getting gasoline-like fuel directly from plant material.

所有基本的家庭财产像房子,汽车及银行存款等都会以男人的名字注册。而女人的角色只是妻子,母亲及农工。All essential family assets such as home car and bank deposits are registered in the men's names and women fill the roles of only wife mother and farmworker.