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一位法国工程师建造的加长的顶篷车。Extensible caravan, built by a French engineer.

康内斯托加式宽轮篷车在美国历史中的角色Role of the Conestoga Wagon in American History

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而且我猜他还开着小篷车呢。Yes, yes he is, albeit I doubt he drives a mini-van.

上个月,美国执法官为Gomiya公司查封了里德的篷车。Last month U.S. marshals seized Reed's van for Gomiya.

穿背心的兽医在篷车里叫卖香草和蔬菜。The vet in the vest vends vanilla and vegetables in the van.

这辆先进的篷车有优点也有缺点.The advanced van has disadvantages as well as advantages.

有时候白篷车来带走一些人。Sometimes white vans appeared in the camp and took people away.

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康内斯托加式宽轮篷车的巅峰时段是1820至1840年间。The peak years of use for the Conestoga wagons were from 1820 to 1840.

我们祖祖辈辈与马匹相伴,以篷车为家,此情此景并不算久远。We come from horse and wagon grandparents, and it was not so very long ago.

我的房子就是一辆篷车,停在山顶之上,这里离家一万两千英里。My home was a static caravan, on top of a hill, 12, 000 long miles from home.

她在一个拓荒者家庭长大,乘着篷车游遍了美国中西部。She was raised in a pioneer family, and traveled through the Midwest by covered wagon.

在宾州和邻近的马里兰、俄亥俄和弗吉尼亚州,这种篷车的使用最为频繁。They were used most extensively in Pennsylvania and the nearby states of Maryland, Ohio and Virginia.

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早期的拓荒者随著篷车队一同旅行,在社区内定居下来互相扶助。The early pioneers traveled together in wagon trains and settled in communities to support each other.

门前停着医生篷车的小酒馆已经聚集了五六个军官。IN THE INN, before which was standing the doctor's covered cart, there were already some half-dozen officers.

整个工作过程惊险丛生,但却是操作这个“高尔夫小篷车”环绕一亿英里星球的不二办法。The process is arduous but it is the only way to drive a golf cart-sized buggy around a planet 100m miles away.

调查之后一辆白篷车开过来然后带走那些人,便再没人知道他们的下落。They did an investigation and then a van would come in and they would take them away and nobody would know after that.

鼹鼠兴致勃勃,兴奋异常,急不可耐地跟着蟾蜍踩上篷车的踏板,进了车厢。The Mole was tremendously interested and excited, and followed him eagerly up the steps and into the interior of the caravan.

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可直到今天这里农民的生活也没有太大的改变,在一条灰白色孤独的小路上依然是由马来拉着一台篷车。Even today life for the farmer has not changed greatly here—horses may still draw a covered wagon on a lonely grey-white lane.

最初的白人定居者乘着马拉的篷车穿越美洲大地,常常形成一行行长长的马车队伍。The first white settlers journeyed across america in covered wagons pulled by horses often long lines of them forming wagon trains.

她急忙转向自己的丈夫,以免汽车超过时看见那辆小小的篷车,那怪模怪样的队伍。She swung full around toward her husband so she could not see the little covered wagon and the mismatched team as the car passed them.