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领域专家。Domain expert.

领域广大。The domain is vast.

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自动填写为领域的合作。Auto-fill for fields.

什么是领域建模?What is domain modeling?

在医药卫生领域。In the field of medicine.

他们不只是某个领域的专家。They were not specialists.

其一,这一体系是多领域、全方位的。First, it is comprehensive.

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在某个领域里最优秀,却又不以此自矜。But i heard you are the best.

ESP的潜在应用领域包括Potential uses for ESP include

我们正处于未知领域。We are in uncharted territory.

我们应在各个领域力争上游。We must improve in every area.

你是如何进入该领域的呢?How did you get into the field?

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我就骑上马,在该领域的合作。I rode the horse in the fields.

我的训练领域很宽泛。My training is very, very wide.


我从所有这些领域中吸取内容。And I take from all these areas.

但是也还有其他领域的人。But there would be other domain.

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他的工作涉及许多领域。His work dabbles in many fields.

奥斯特罗姆在这个领域进行了多年的研究。Ostrom spent years in the field.

所以我们主要经营三个领域。So we play in three major areas.