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此种型式的储存箱置于收集器上方。This type of storage box above in the collector.

本公司有多种法兰输出端型式。All kinds of flanges and shaft types are availble.

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协助生产许可证和型式试验的准备工作.Production Certificates and test preparative work.

新产品首制样机应进行型式检验。The first new product prototype should be type test.

曲流河是一种常见的河流演化的终极型式。Meadering Stream is a terminal type of river evolution.

这种方法亦适用其它型式的翻车保护结构。This method is also applicable for other types of ROPS.

全攻全守是攻击型足球最纯粹的型式。Total football is the purest form of attacking football.

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它有鼓式制动器和盘式制动器两种结构型式。It has drum brakes and disc brake structure of two types.

虹吸式出水管是泵站的一种出水布置型式。Siphonic outlet is one of the outlet forms in pump stations.

空气悬架是商用车的理想悬架结构型式。Air Suspension is the ideal structure of a commercial vehicle.

用调整网带的节距的方法,就可把各种型式的链条装上去。Various types of chain can be applied by adjusting belt pitch.

零件G里附有2种,请选用编号6的零件,这是高雄用的型式。There are 2 types in the part G, please choose no. 6 for TAKAO.

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使用「板金预设」将型式套用至板金零件。Use Sheet Metal Defaults to apply styles to a sheet metal part.

所有的化油器都具有某种型式的贮油箱或浮子系统。All carburetors have some type of fuel reservoir or float system.

中承式钢管混凝土拱桥作为一种新型的桥梁型式应用广泛。Half-through CFST arch bridges have widely used as a newly bridge.

蝶阀有弹密封和金属的密封两种密封型式。A butterfly valve seal and metal shells of the two sealed sealed type.

实际运行表明,该型式煤粉混合器可改善下粉不畅现象。Actual operation shows this form can improve the backup of powder drop.

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能量是被用来代表一种物质的电子在能阶型式。The energy represented by an electron in the band model of a substance.

介绍了粉体混料仓的型式及掺混原理。The types and homogenizing principles of blending silos were described.

介绍桥梁结构的一种新型式—空间预应力索桥。A new bridge structure, the spatial prestressed cable bridge is described.