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但他心里明白。But he knows.

嗯——嗯,我明白了。Uh-huh, I see.

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我明白了,常规。Gotcha. Routine.

你明白我的意思吗?Do you follow me?

现在才终于明白…Now i understand.

你们明白的。You got the idea.

我把意思说明白了吗?Am I making sense?

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你明白了吗?Do you understand?

好吧,那我明白了。Okey , i see then.

然后,我明白了。Then I understood.

但很快我便明白了。But I soon learned.

劳伦明白了。Laurent understood.

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我不明白“,我大喊。I didn't," I bawled.

我说话算话,这你明白。I mean it, you know.

哦,明白了。我要这个菜。I see. I'll have it.

好了,大家明白了吗?OK, people get this?

然后,她明白了。Then she understood.

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你可能明白我的意思。You see what I mean.

我明白你的意思了I know what you mean.

你明白吧。You know how it goes.