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什么是社区园圃?What is a community garden plot?

有一个荒废的园圃。There is a garden ground falling into disuse.

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黄帝时代没有园圃吗?Is There No Gardens in the Yellow Emperor Period?

在曼哈顿的东村,我的社区园圃也是一样。My community garden in Manhattan’s East Village is no different.

他们在园圃的土坛上种植玉蜀黍、菜豆、南瓜和烟草。They cultivated maize, beans, squashes, and tobacco, in garden beds.

在园圃中,美丽是副产品。主要的是性与死亡。In gardens, beauty is a by-product. The main business is sex and death.

土星直接帮助我们重新回到成为农民自己的微薄园圃。Saturn helps direct us back to becoming farmers in our own humble garden plot.

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园圃、工场、旧建筑物全取消了。The market-gardens, the timber-yards, and the old buildings have been effaced.

横过雀鸟花园,前往园圃街和花墟道交界。Walk through the Bird Garden to the junction of Yuen Po Street and Flower Market Road.

极移后阳光并不强烈,有庇护的园圃可阻止火山灰沉降物。Sheltered gardens in the Aftertime protect from volcanic ash fallout, not intense sunlight.

古籍中关于黄帝园圃的文字极为可贵,值得探索。The record in ancient books on gardens in the Yellow Emperor Period is valuable and worth exploration.

这最后一批大量的收获来自各家的园圃,晚熟的甜玉米,番茄,还有各种根茎类蔬菜。The last bountiful yield comes from the garden, the late sweet corn, the tomatoes, the root vegetables.

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你对你的园圃、你的生命有完全的责任,耕耘你自己就如同耕耘你的植物。You have fully responsibility of your garden, your life, cultivate yourself as you cultivate your plant!

国际植物园保护联盟发现在英国园圃里和收藏中范闲350多个物种。Botanic Gardens Conservation International found more than 350 such species in UK gardens and collections.

在中国古典文学的阆苑中,唐诗宋词无疑是一块芬芳绚丽的园圃。Among a great deal of ancient Chinese literature, poetry of Tang and Song dynasties is certainly one of the most beautiful ones.

她认为,用玉米秆、杂草等园圃废物、木材的边角料等做为原料会取得更好的效果。Corn stover, garden waste such as grass clippings, and offcuts from forestry and timber production are better bets, she reckons.

有些库存充裕的园圃倒是会卖植料,但最好还是问问本地的商业大棚。A small number of well stocked garden centers do have them for sale but a good alternative is to inquire at a local commercial greenhouse business.

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几年以后,有一个夏天,当我们驾车经过美国的瑞珀市中心,妈妈指着一大片的土地,“看,这是社区园圃!Years later, one day, when we drove by Naperville downtown in a summer, Mom pointed out a big land, "See, this is the community garden plot" she told me.

建立园圃其实生苗生长迅速,抗逆性强,但大田扦插育苗成活率低,繁殖系数不高,限制了其推广速度。Seedling grew fast in orchard, having strong resistance, but the low survival rate of field cutting, propagation coefficient is not high, limiting the speed of its promotion.

二战时期连海报都在鼓励人们开辟自己的园圃,自给自足,以免食物定额配给的匮乏。During WWII you could find posters encouraging you to start your own garden and avoid the restrictions of food rations and to become more self sufficient during those stressful times.