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这一系列设计的灵感源于指甲花。This collection was inspired by henna body art.

另一个例子是指甲花刺青。Another example is the dangers from henna tattoos.

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印度女性也用指甲花染头发。Women in India also used henna to color their hair.

孟买,婚礼上一位珠光宝气、手涂指甲花的新娘。Bejewelled bride with henna hands at Mumbai wedding.

应用纹身如何申请指甲花和皮肤纹身。Applying Tattoos How to apply henna and tattoos to skin.

指甲花是来自印度的一种暂时性的皮肤装饰品。Henna is a temporary form of skin decoration from India.

据说埃及王后克利奥帕特拉用指甲花染过头发。The Egyptian Queen Cleopatra is supposed to have used henna to color her hair.

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你会让三岁的小娃娃戴着儿童指甲花去学前班吗?Should you let your three-year-old wear her child-friendly nail polish to preschool?

新娘的双手用指甲花染画着奇特的金银细丝图案,它们几周后才会消失。Her hands bear fanciful filigrees executed in henna, which will wear off in several weeks.

人体彩绘源于印度和巴基斯坦,是用指甲花染料在身体上进行装饰的一种方法。Mehndi is the application of henna as a temporary form of skin decoration in India and Pakistan.

人体彩绘源于印度和巴基斯坦,是用指甲花染料在身体上进行装饰的一种方法。Mehndi is the application of henna as a temporary form of skin decoration in India and Pakistan.

去年印度查谟的一个节日,一位妇女在出售指甲花,小额贷款可以帮助她业务拓展。A woman sells henna at a festival in Jammu, India last year. A micro loan could help expand her business.

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阿布都银白的胡子在为鞋子补色时被指甲花染料染成了深橘色,宛若一簇跳动的火焰。Abu beard are white fill color for the shoes were dyed henna dye deep orange, like a cluster of beating the flames.

有一次他在指给我们看自然形态下的指甲花时,直接了当地对我说,“女人,你想要这些花吗?”He addresses me directly once, while showing us henna in its natural form. "Woman, " he says, "do you want to keep it?"

恩戈地的葡萄园盛产美丽的指甲花,圣经里的雅歌咏者把它比作自己的爱人。The vineyards of Ein Gedi produced glorious henna flowers that the singer of the Song of Songs compares to his beloved.

指甲花染料来自一种灌木丛,当灌木丛已经干枯后,在地面上变成一种粉末,再用水混合。Henna comes from the leaves of a shrub, Lawsonia inermis, that have been dried, ground to a powder, and mixed with water.

一些印记当做在印度油漆在新娘的手和脚上的指甲花是暂时的,如此的而其它是永久的。Some markings are temporary, such as painting henna on the hands and feet of brides in India, while others are permanent.

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在我们到达的第一个码头我们搭上了船,到达了若哈岛,那里的树出产指甲花。We took shipping at the first port we reached, and touched at the isle of Roha, where the trees grow that yield camphire.

你眼眶周围的黑色眼影,和手背上的褪色指甲花图案,都让你看起来像是从来没洗过澡一样。The kohl around your eyes and the faded henna designs on the back of your hands, they make you look like you never take a bath.

学习如何使用闪光胶,使装饰艺术凤仙花指甲花设计技巧与专家在此免费视频剪辑艺术和手工艺。Learn how to use glitter glue to make henna embellished art with expert henna design tips in this free arts and crafts video clip.