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有些是拙作,而有些则使他成为最伟大的作家。Some are flops and some make him the greatest writer.

这是拙作,敬请指正。Here's my book. I respectfully request that you point out the mistakes.

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秋天是一个丰收的季节,此首拙作献给小朋友们和农民朋友们。Autumn is a harvest season, the first books to the children and farmers.

请参考拙作购物车的可用性,来了解更多表单设计中的规则See my report on shopping cart usability for additional guidelines on forms design.

甚至,快乐的去听那里的每一个传说,而且拙作的掉几滴形式泪水。Even happy to hear where each of a legend, and the shedding of my book in the form of tears.

美国人觉得,倘若自身在印度,断然不会有此窘境,故阅读拙作时轻松自如。Feeling that they would have had no difficulties in India themselves, the Americans read the book freely.

依新近出版的拙作,我想应该提供抵制拖延最有效的一些策略——集中注意力。I thought I should cover some of the best procrastination-beating strategies, in light of my recent book, focus.

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尽管有人在网络上引用我的作品让我极为荣幸,但我不希望因为自己的拙作而玷污泰戈尔的名声。Although I feel greatly honored to be quoted on internet, I don't want to tarnish Tagore's name by my own shabby work.

这些精油均可直接作用于头发,所以只需根据个人发质选择即可。拙作。These essential oils all have a direct effect on your hair, so simply choose them according to your particular hair type.

这些评论切中要点,因为拙作中并未提到列宁与考茨基的后期关系。These critics are justified in challenging me on this point, since I said nothing in my book about Lenin’s later relation to Kautsky.