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那是烧炭的。That was a charcoal burner.

通过这次旅行,我知道如何烧炭了。Through this trip, I know how to make charcoal.

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催化剂烧炭再生是非定态过程。Catalyst regeneration is an unsteady state process.

一对情侣在一单位烧炭自杀身亡。A couple was found dead near burned charcoal in a flat.

有一个烧炭工,在自己的家里烧炭来卖。A CHARCOAL-BURNER carried on his trade in his own house.

越来越多人烧炭自杀。People are killing themselves by charcoal-burning in increasing numbers.

在小屋里,Veronica将她的椅子移到靠近烧炭火炉的位置。Veronica has moved her chair closer to a wood burning stove inside the cabin.

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这样他吩咐他的人前进,留下这两名烧炭工做他们的工作。With that he bade his men march on and leave the two charcoal burners to their work.

香港是全球以烧炭方式自杀比率最高的地方。Hong Kong now had the world's highest charcoal-burning rate for those trying to commit suicide.

发现正华没有任何反应的立勋,突然意识到正华打算在车内烧炭自杀。Found c-com no reaction of schoenberg, suddenly realized c-com intends to near burned charcoal in the car.

现存原始的huarango森林正在被非法的烧炭行动所破坏。What remained of the old-growth huarango forests is being destroyed by illegal charcoal-burning operations.

一九四四年九月五日在陕北安塞县山中烧炭,因炭窑崩塌而牺牲。On September 5, 1944, when making charcoal in Ansai County, northern Shaanxi, he was killed by the sudden collapse of a kiln.

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现时,香港每四名自杀人士有一名选择烧炭自杀,是继跳楼以后第二常见的自杀方法。Today, one in four people who kill themselves in Hong Kong do so by charcoal-burning, the second most common method after jumping.

在一家小酒店里过夜的三个男人,一个侍者、一个烧炭工人,还有一位穿制服的替有钱旅行者开车的司机,修引擎修了一整晚。Three men, a waiter, a charcoal burner, and the uniformed chauffeur of wealthy travelers sleeping in the inn, workedall night on the engine.

如果你买了这些还有钱剩下,给泡泡屋配备便携式烧炭温泉以应对魅力露营体验吧。If you have any money left over, combine your bubble with a portable wood-burning spa for the ultimate glamping—glamorous camping—experience.

一九四四年九月五日在陕北安塞县山中烧炭,因炭窑崩塌而牺牲。On September 5, 1944, when making charcoal in the mountains of Ansai County, northern Shensi, he was killed by the sudden collapse of a kiln.

介绍了一种连续重整催化剂再生新方法,该方法侧重于再生烧炭过程的改进。A new regeneration process for continuous catalytic reforming catalyst is introduced which focuses on modification of coke combustion process.

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运行结果表明,该催化剂的强度、催化活性和烧炭再生性能均能满足该厂粗煤气变换装置的要求。The run results showed that the strength, activity and regeneratibility of QDB-04 catalyst met the requirement of the plant on raw coal gas CO shift reaction.

不到三个月前,联邦的人在政府打击非法采伐的行动中关闭了这里的锯木厂,没收了木头并且捣毁了烧炭用的熔炉。Less than three months ago, federal agents swooped in to close sawmills, confiscate wood and smash charcoal furnaces in a government crackdown on illegal logging.

是夜,四人失眠,一家四口不约而同地上了天台长嗟短叹,最后取得共识,决定明天安排了私事后,齐齐烧炭自杀。One night, 4 of them cannot sleep and they go up to the roof together coincidentally. They finally decide to commit suicide by burning the charcoals on the following day.