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草鞋如此,人们也是如此。Straw sandals so, it is also true.

的短袖衫,短裤,草鞋,袋,水壶。H&M T-shirt, shorts, shoes, bag, water bottles.

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没有。我那顶用海扇壳装饰的帽子、手杖和既是他的也是我的草鞋。No. My cockle hat and staff and his my sandal shoon.

修行的每天早上,我都穿着草鞋出去。Practice of every morning, I go out wearing sandals.

都这个时候了,还有闲情编草鞋?At this time of crisis, you can still weave straw sandals?

周瑜-都这个时候了,还有闲情编草鞋?At this time of crisis, you can still weave straw sandals ?

明天将穿上新的草鞋,好似获得重生一般。Tomorrow will be wearing new sandals, as if reborn general.

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薛霸拿了水火棍,催促动身。董超去腰里解下一双新草鞋叫林冲穿。Tung Ch'ao gave Lin Ch'ung a pair of new grass sandals to wear.

这时,你最少应该已经出了草鞋和两个护腕。You should have at least a Boots of Speed and 2 Bracers until this point.

时钟、草鞋等在中国都是跟死亡和葬礼有关的。Clocks, straw sandals are all associated with death and funerals in China.

我认为,草鞋是最好的,你可以给他们一人一双草鞋。I think straw sandals is better, you can give them a pair of straw sandals.

穿上滑草鞋、滑草板后,这样蹲是最舒服的姿势。Once their boots and skis are on, skiers find squatting a comfortable position.

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他脚上穿着草鞋,一只是用软蛇皮做的,另一只则是鸟羽做的。He had sandals on his feet, one of soft serpent-skin and the other of birds' plumage.

而把穿了一天的草鞋脱掉,诵经、就寝时,则属于静的世界。And the wearing of sandals a day off, chanting, going to bed, then the world is quiet.

他脱下他的草鞋,解下镶了宝石的宝剑,把它们放到洞中。Taking off his sandals and unbuckling his jeweled sword, he placed them in the hollow.

于是他穿上草鞋,背起药筐,深入实际进行调查。So he put on his sandals, pick up the medicine basket, and investigate to be made physically.

诸葛亮给马接生,刘备为爱将编草鞋,等等,这些情节和其中的对白大多成了观众的笑料。Zhu Geliang's helping a horse to give birth, and Liu Bei's making straw shoes for his warriors.

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一日之终,草鞋变得破烂不堪,如果自己是草鞋的话,今天就是一个句点。The final day, has become dilapidated straw sandals, straw sandals, then if he is, today is a period.

男子一早起身就要走路,沉沉默默的一句话不说,端整了自己的草鞋,找到了自己的烟袋。He got up early to leave. Not saying a word, he fastened his straw sandals and found his tobacco pouch.

农妇把草鞋卖给了他,看到他被雨淋湿了,就邀请他进屋过夜。The woman who offered him the sandals seeing how wet he was invited him to remain for the night in her home.