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这是乔和他的逻辑!Joe and his logic!

幻相的逻辑。Logic of Illusion.

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这是他们的逻辑。That's their logic.

这是唯一合乎逻辑的。This is only logical.

这就是阿提金的逻辑That's the philosophy.

很好的逻辑嘛。Great logic from a spud.

没人怀疑亚德尼的逻辑。No one doubts his logic.

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虚拟逻辑控制器。Vitual Logic Controller.

现在顺着这个逻辑来思考And think of it this way.

非常类似于逻辑卷管理。It's very similar to LVM.

这根本不符合逻辑!There is no logic in this!

问人︰这是什麽垃圾逻辑?What crappy logic is this?

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这是什么逻辑?What sort of logic is that?

他以极严密的逻辑争辨。He argued with deadly logic.

售主晶体管逻辑?。VTL? Vendor Transistor Logic?

什么是逻辑分区?What is logical partitioning?

我同情那些没有逻辑的傻瓜。I pity the fool who's illogic.

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所以你必须搞清其中的逻辑关系So you have to know the logic.

封装确认逻辑。Encapsulating validation logic.

合成了La1的逻辑真理的地位。LA1 the status of logical truth.