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他们有时议议政,有时品品茶。They sometimes take counsel and sometimes tea.

然而,身为“诤臣”的议政的知识分子言论的相对独立性如何得到保障?Nevertheless, how can the independence of the statements made by these "advisors" be guaranteed?

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本周早些时候,我们做了件前人从来没有在白宫做过的事情——开设“Twitter议政厅”。Earlier this week, we did something that’s never been done here at the White House – we had a Twitter Town Hall.

谢谢冯宝君继续代表人民在国会里议政,论政监督政府的施政!Thank you Po Kuan continue to represent the people in Congress, political supervision of the Government's policy!

市议政厅议长查尔斯·皮尤及当地慈善机构S斯基尔曼基金会的会长也将出席。Charles Pugh was there, the leader of the city council. Carol Goss was there, head of the Skillman Foundation, a busy local charity.

作为一代文坛宗匠,欧在他诗文中议政论道,表现出忧国忧民、以天下为己任的责任感。As a great master of the time, Ou Yangxiu discussed political affairs which showed his sense of responsibility on his country and people.

当议员们的讲话被反对者的倒彩声所淹没时,几个为讨论巴拉克·奥巴马的医改方案而举办的公民议政会乱作一团。Congressmen were shouted down by opponents of Barack Obama's plans as some town-hall meetings held to discuss the plans became disruptive.

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完善人大代表、政协委员监督与参政、议政制度和联系选民制度。It will perfect the systems on the political supervision, participation and evaluation by the people's representatives and CPPCC members and their liaison with the voters.

是以,十九世纪初叶的「经世」观,已成了一个相当独立的意识,它不再以经书议政的形式出现,而是以实务的行动,贯经术与政事为一体,以实现「致用」的目的。It is no longer appeared as the form of discussing polities on the written books, bat using concrete action, integrating into classics and politics, to achieve the goal of putting things into use.

王符是东汉社会批判思潮的思想先驱,在中古史上开创了独特的“潜夫议政”传统。Wang Fu was an ideological pioneer of the social critical thoughts of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and he created a unique "criticism to the government from the hermit" tradition in mediaeval history.