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创建和探索。Create and Explore.

探索新领域。Explore new territory.

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他们互相探索着。They explore each other.

贵自己搞的留洋探索占有率是多少?What is ywe market share not?

一个创造和探索的地方。A place to create and explore.

在头脑中探索这个目标。Explore the goal in your mind.

艾伦·斯特恩曾是美宇航局空间科学探索项目负责人。Stern, former NASA space chief.

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欢迎勇于探索的读者回到我们的系列文章中!Welcome back, dauntless readers.

我们得对殖民主义进行再探索。We need to re-explore Colonialism.

是的,现在到了心灵探索。Yep, now comes the soul searching.

船只循著北斗星探索起伏的海洋。Through courses of the sea rolling.

我们的探索之心究竟从何而来?Where does it come from?This quest?

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但是,先要探索一番的还是瓦尔纳。But first there is Varna to discover.

是一个自我探索的挑战。It's a challenge of self-exploration.

还记得1967年的留洋探索崩溃吗?Remember the market collapse of 1967?

所以我们必须不懈地探索深究。So we must dig and delve unceasingly.

真正探索自己的创造能力。and really explore my own creativity.

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如下是他们的探索简史。Here is a brief history of their quest

他们有很多需要探索和学习的东西。There is so much to explore and learn.

这表示人类对了解上帝的探索。And it denotes man's quest to know God.